%not_in% |
Opposite of %in% |
begin_processing |
Runs the pre-processing step on a startr project. |
calc_index |
Index values |
calc_mode |
Calculate mode |
clean_columns |
Cleans up column names by forcing them into tidyverse style |
combine_csvs |
Combine CSVs in a directory |
combine_excels |
Combine Excel files in a directory |
convert_str_to_logical |
Converts a character vector to logicals |
dir_data_cache |
Get path within cached data directory. |
dir_data_out |
Get path within disposable data outputs directory. |
dir_data_processed |
Get path within processed data directory. |
dir_data_raw |
Get path within raw data directory. |
dir_path |
Construct an arbitrary path. |
dir_plots |
Get path within plots directory. |
dir_reports |
Get path within reports directory. |
dir_scrape |
Get path within scrape directory. |
dir_src |
Get path within src directory |
end_processing |
Runs the post-processing step on a startr project. |
initialize_startr |
Initialize startr project |
not.na |
Opposite of is.na |
not.null |
Opposite of is.null |
read_all_excel_sheets |
Combine all sheets in an Excel file |
remove_non_utf8 |
Removes non-UTF-8 characters |
render_notebook |
Renders out an RMarkdown notebook. |
run_analyze |
Runs the analysis step for a startr project. |
run_config |
Configures an existing startr project |
run_notebook |
Runs the notebook rendering step for a startr project. |
run_process |
Runs the processing step on a startr project. |
run_visualize |
Runs the visualization step for a startr project. |
scale_x_percent |
Create a continuous x-axis scale using percentages |
scale_y_percent |
Create a continuous y-axis scale using percentages |
simplify_string |
Simplifies strings for analysis |
unaccent |
De-accents strings |
write_excel |
Write out an Excel file with minimal configuration |
write_plot |
Write out a ggplot2 graphic with minimal configuration |
write_shp |
Write a shapefile to disk |