'HTMLWidget' Wrapper of 'UpSet.js' for Exploring Large Set Intersections

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Documentation for package ‘upsetjs’ version 1.11.1

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addCategoricalAttribute adds a new query to the plot
addNumericAttribute adds a new numeric attribute to the plot
addQuery adds a new query to the plot
asCombination creates a new UpSet set combination structure
asSet creates a new UpSet set structure
chartFontSizes specify chart font sizes
chartKarnaughMapLabels specify chart labels
chartKarnaughMapLayout specify the chart karnaugh map layout
chartLabels specify chart labels
chartLayout specify the chart layout
chartProps generic set chart props
chartStyleFlags specify chart flags
chartTheme specify theming options
chartVennLabels specify chart labels
chartVennLayout specify the chart venn layout
clearAttributes clears the list of attributes for incremental updates
clearQueries clears the list of queries for incremental updates
extractSetsFromDataFrame extract the sets from a data frame (rows = elems, columns = sets, cell = contained)
fromDataFrame extract the sets from a data frame (rows = elems, columns = sets, cell = contained)
fromExpression generates the sets from a lists object that contained the cardinalities of both sets and combinations (&)
fromList generates the sets from a lists object
generateDistinctIntersections configure the generation of the distinct intersections
generateIntersections configure the generation of the intersections
generateUnions configure the generation of the unions
getCombinations extract the vector of combinations
getElements extract the vector of elements
getSets extract the vector of sets
got Games of Thrones Character dataset for UpSet.js
interactiveChart make it an interactive chart
queryLegend renders a legend for the queries
renderUpsetjs Shiny render bindings for upsetjs
setAttributes set the attributes
setCombinations set the vector of combinations
setElements set the vector of elements
setQueries set the queries
setSelection sets the selection of the chart
setSets set the vector of sets
upsetjs Upset.js
upsetjsDash create a new upsetjs dash adapter
upsetjsEulerDiagram upsetjs - factory for UpSet.js Euler Diagram HTMLWidget
upsetjsEulerDiagramProxy reactive helper to update an upsetjs euler diagram in place
upsetjsKarnaughMap upsetjs - factory for UpSet.js Karnaugh Map HTMLWidget
upsetjsKarnaughMapProxy reactive helper to update an upsetjs karnaugh map diagram in place
upsetjsOutput Output and render functions for using UpSet.js within Shiny applications and interactive Rmd documents.
upsetjsProxy reactive helper to update an upsetjs inplace
upsetjsSizingPolicy upsetjs sizing policy
upsetjsVennDiagram upsetjs - factory for UpSet.js Venn Diagram HTMLWidget
upsetjsVennDiagramProxy reactive helper to update an upsetjs venn diagram in place