udplot {upndown}R Documentation

Visualizing the time series of an up-and-down experiment


Plotting function for the "trace" (time series) of an up-and-down experiment, showing the observation order on the x-axis, and the dose (treatment, stimulus, etc.) strength on the y-axis. Uses utilities from the cir package.


  cohort = NULL,
  shape = "circle",
  connect = TRUE,
  symbcol = 1,
  doselabels = NULL,
  xtitle = "Observation Order",
  ytitle = "Dose / Stimulus",



numeric vector: sequence of administered doses, treatments, stimuli, etc.


numeric vector: sequence of observed responses. Must be same length as x, and must be coded TRUE/FALSE or 0/1.


for a group/cohort UD design, the cohort/group size (a single number). In case of variable cohort size, this can be a vector the same length as ⁠x, y⁠, with each observation's cohort assignment.


the plotting shape (DRtrace only): 'circle' (default), 'square', or 'triangle'.


logical: whether to connect the symbols (generic plotting type 'b'). Default TRUE for udplot() and FALSE for drplot().


The color of the main plotting symbols and connecting lines. Default 1 (the current palette's first color). Note: if you change the color and inadvertently use col instead, there might be an error message.


(DRtrace only) Dose values to be plotted along the y-axis. If NULL (default), those will be the doses in the dataset (i.e., sort(unique(x))).

xtitle, ytitle

x-axis and y-axis titles. Some reasonable defaults are provided, to avoid an annoying error message.


Other arguments passed on to plot (e.g., main for the main title).


This simple and handy visualization approach was presented already by Dixon and Mood (1948).

udplot() is a convenience wrapper to cir::plot.DRtrace. This is a base-R plot, so you can use additional options, including preceding the plot command with par statements, or following up with legend. When wishing to save to a file, I recommend utilities such as png() or pdf().


Returns invisibly after plotting. If you would like to save the plot to a file, embed the plotting code in a standard R graphics export code sequence, (e.g., pdf(...) before the plotting function, and dev.off() after it).


Assaf P. Oron <assaf.oron.at.gmail.com>

See Also

#' @references


#'  **An up-and-down experiment that has generated some controversy**
#' Van Elstraete, AC et al. The Median Effective Dose of Preemptive Gabapentin 
#'      on Postoperative Morphine Consumption After Posterior Lumbar Spinal Fusion. 
#'      *Anesthesia & Analgesia* 2008, 106: 305-308.

# It was a classical median-finding up-and-down study.

doses = c(4:7, 6:13, 12:19, 18:21, 20, 19:23, 22, 21:23, 22:19, 20:23, 
          22:24, 23, 22, 23, 22:25, 24:22, rep(23:24,2), 23, 22)
# With U&D, responses (except the last one) can be read off the doses:
responses = c( (1 - sign(diff(doses)))/2, 0 )

#' ### Plots plots plots!

# Saving current settings as now required by the CRAN powers-that-be :0
op <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)

layout(t(1:2), widths=3:2)
par(mar=c(4,4,4,1), mgp=c(2.5,0.8,0), cex.axis = 0.7, las = 1)

#' The experimental trajectory / time-series / "trace" (pick your favorite name!)
#' Note the changed argument names for x and y axis titles
udplot(doses, responses, main='', 
        xtitle = "Patient Number", ytitle = 'Gabapentin (mg/kg)') 
#' Compare with the article's Figure 1; the line below makes it look more similar
udplot(doses, responses, shape='square', connect=TRUE)

# The dose-response plot, rarely encountered in U&D articles. 
# We can also add the CIR estimate right there:
drplot(doses, responses, main=' Dose-Response', percents = TRUE,
       addest = TRUE, target = 0.5, addcurve = TRUE,
       xtitle = 'Gabapentin (mg/kg)', ytitle = "Percent Effective")

#' ### Estimates

#' Let us actually see the numbers of those Centered-Isotonic-Regression (CIR) estimates!
#' Note that our default confidence-interval is 90%. Change it via the 'conf' argument.

udest(doses, responses, target = 0.5)
#' Compare with the article: 21.7 mg/kg (95% CI 19.9–23.5). 
#' They cite a little-known 1991 article by Dixon as the method source.
#' However, in their author rejoinder they claim to have used the Dixon-Mood estimate.
#' ## Toy example of plotting a group UD dataset
#' Also showing off some udplot() options
#' Not an actual experiment (made-up data)
#' The design is purportedly GUD (3,0,1), targeting the 20th percentile

gsize = 3
x = rep(c(1:3, 2:4), each = gsize)
y = c(rep(0, 8), 1, rep(0,7), 1, 1)

udplot(x=x, y=y, cohort=gsize, connect=FALSE, shape='triangle')

par(op) # Back to business as usual ;)

[Package upndown version 0.1.0 Index]