reversmean {upndown}R Documentation

Reversal-anchored averaging estimators for Up-and-Down


Dose-averaging target estimation for Up-and-Down experiments, historically the most popular approach, but not recommended as primary nowadays. Provided for completeness.


  rstart = 3,
  all = TRUE,
  before = FALSE,
  maxExclude = 1/3,
  full = FALSE




numeric vector: sequence of administered doses, treatments, stimuli, etc.


numeric vector: sequence of observed responses. Must be same length as x or shorter by 1, and must be coded TRUE/FALSE or 0/1.


the reversal point from which the averaging begins. Default 3, considered a good compromise between performance and robustness. See Details.


logical: from the starting point onwards, should all values of x be used (TRUE, default), or only reversal points as in the Wetherill et al. approach?


logical: whether to start the averaging one step earlier than the starting reversal point. Default FALSE, and ignored when all=FALSE.


a fraction in 0,10,1 indicating the maximum initial fraction of the vector x to exclude from averaging, in case the algorithm-identified starting point occurs too late in the experiment. Default 1/3.


logical: should more detailed information be returned, or only the estimate? (default FALSE)


Up-and-Down designs (UDDs) allocate doses in a random walk centered nearly symmetrically around a balance point. Therefore, a modified average of allocated doses could be a plausible estimate of the balance point's location.

During UDDs' first generation, a variety of dose-averaging estimators was developed, with the one proposed by Wetherill et al. (1966) eventually becoming the most popular. This estimator uses only doses observed at reversal points: points with a negative response following a positive one, or vice versa. More recent research (Kershaw 1985, 1987; Oron et al. 2022, supplement) strongly indicates that in fact it is better to use all doses starting from some cut-point, rather than skip most of them and choose only reversals.

The reversals() utility identifies reversal points, whereas reversmean() produces a dose-averaging estimate whose starting cut-point is determined by a reversal. User can choose whether to use all doses from that cut-point onwards, or only the reversals as in the older approaches. A few additional options make the estimate even more flexible.

More broadly, dose-averaging despite some advantages is not very robust, and also lacks an interval estimate with reliable coverage. Therefore, reversmean() provides neither a confidence interval nor a standard error.

For UDD target estimation we recommend using centered isotonic regression, available via udest, an up-and-down adapted wrapper to cir::quickInverse(). See Oron et al. 2022 (both article and supplement) for further information, as well as the cir package vignette.


For reversals(), the indices of reversal points. For reversmean(), if full=FALSE returns the point estimate and otherwise returns a data frame with the estimate as well, as the index of the cutoff point used to start the averaging.


Assaf P. Oron <>


See Also


#'  **An up-and-down experiment that has generated some controversy**
#' Van Elstraete, AC et al. The Median Effective Dose of Preemptive Gabapentin 
#'      on Postoperative Morphine Consumption After Posterior Lumbar Spinal Fusion. 
#'      *Anesthesia & Analgesia* 2008, 106: 305-308.

# It was a classical median-finding up-and-down study.

doses = c(4:7, 6:13, 12:19, 18:21, 20, 19:23, 22, 21:23, 22:19, 20:23, 
          22:24, 23, 22, 23, 22:25, 24:22, rep(23:24,2), 23, 22)
# With U&D, responses (except the last one) can be read off the doses:
responses = c( (1 - sign(diff(doses)))/2, 0 )

### Let us plot the dose-allocation time series.

# Saving current settings as now required by the CRAN powers-that-be :0
op <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)

par(mar=c(4,4,4,1), mgp=c(2.5,0.8,0), cex.axis = 0.7, las = 1)
udplot(doses, responses, main='Van Elstraete et al. 2008 Study', 
       xtitle = "Patient Number", ytitle = 'Gabapentin (mg/kg)') 

#' Overlay the ED50 reported in the article (21.7 mg/kg):
abline(h = 21.7)

#' The authors cite a little-known 1991 article by Dixon as the method source.
#' However, in their author rejoinder they claim to have used the Dixon-Mood (1948) estimate.

# Our package does include the Dixon-Mood point estimate.
#  (w/o the CIs, because we do not endorse this estimation approach)
# Does it reproduce the article estimate?
dixonmood(doses, responses)

# Not at all! Let us overlay this one in red
abline(h = dixonmood(doses, responses), col=2)

# We have found that many articles claiming to use Dixon-Mood (or Dixon-Massey) actually
# Do something else. For example, in this article they report that 
#   "it is necessary to reject sequences with three to six identical results".
# Nothing like this appears in the original Dixon-Mood article, where the estimation method
#   involves identifying the less-common response (either 0 or 1), and using only x values
#   associated with these responses; obviating the need to exclude specific sequences.
# More generally, these historical estimates have long passed their expiry dates. 
#   Their foundation is not nearly as solid as, e.g., linear regression, 
#      and it's time to stop using them.

# That said, our package does offer two more types of dose-averaging estimates.
# Both are able to take advantage of the "n+1" dose-allocation, which is determined by
#    the last dose and response:
n = length(doses)
dosePlus1 = doses[n] + ifelse(responses[n]==0, 1, -1)
reversmean(c(doses, dosePlus1), responses)
# Interestingly, in this particular case the answer is very similar to the Dixon-Mood estimate.

# The `reversmean()` default averages all doses from the 3rd reversal point onwards.
# By the way, at what point did the third reversal happen? 
#     It'll be the 3rd number in this vector:

# Far more commonly in literature, particularly in sensory studies, 
#   one encounters the 1960s-era approach (led by Wetherill) of taking *only doses  
#   at reversal points, usually starting from the first one. `reversmean()` can do that too:
wetherill = reversmean(c(doses, dosePlus1), responses, all = FALSE, rstart = 1)
# This one gives an even lower result than the previous ones.
abline(h = wetherill, col = 3)

# There's another approach to dose-averaging, although it is not in use anywhere that we know of.
# It does not require the y values at all. The underlying assumption is that the dose 
#   sequence has done enough meandering around the true balance point, to provide information
#   about where (approximately) the starting-dose effect is neutralized.
adaptmean(c(doses, dosePlus1))
# Again a bit curiously, this relatively recent approach gives a result similar to what
#   the authors reported (but not similar to the original Dixon-Mood).
# This is not too surprising, since here `adaptmean()` excludes the first one-third of doses,
#   which is approximately what happened if indeed the authors excluded all those long dose-increase
#   sequences at the start.

# All this shows how dicey dose-averaging, at face value a simple and effective method, can become.
# The sample size here is rather large for up-and-down studies, and yet because of the unlucky
#    choice of starting point (which in many studies, due to safety concerns cannot be evaded)
#    there is really no good option of which observations to exclude.

# This is one reason why we strongly recommend using Centered Isotonic Regression as default:
defest = udest(doses, responses, target = 0.5)
abline(h = defest$point, col = 'purple')
# For this dataset, it is the highest of all the estimates.

legend('bottomright', col = c(1:3, 'purple'), 
       legend = c("Article's estimate", 'Dixon-Mood', 'Reversals (Wetherill)', 'Standard (CIR)'), 
       lty = 1, bty='n', cex = 0.8)

par(op) # Back to business as usual ;)

[Package upndown version 0.1.0 Index]