pivec {upndown}R Documentation

Key Probability Vectors of Up-and-Down Designs


Dose-allocation probability vectors that quantify the instantaneous, cumulative, and asymptotic behavior of Up-and-Down designs.


pivec(cdf, matfun, ...)

currentvec(cdf, matfun, n, startdose = NULL, ...)

  startdose = NULL,
  proportions = TRUE,
  exclude = 0,



monotone increasing vector with positive-response probabilities. The number of dose levels MM is deduced from vector's length.


The function to calculate the TPM. Depends on the specific design; see bcdmat. For all functions except classicmat, user must provide auxiliary parameters via ....


Arguments passed on to the design's matrix-calculating function.


For ⁠currentvec, cumulvec⁠, at what step (= after how many observations) in the experiment would you like the vector calculated?


For ⁠currentvec, cumulvec⁠, where does the experiment start? To be given as a dose-level index between 1 and MM. If left as NULL (default), function will assume the equivalent of "fair die roll" among all doses. User can also specify your own MM-length probability vector.


Logical (cumulvec only) Would you like the results returned as proportions (= a probability vector; TRUE, default), or as cumulative allocation counts?


Integer (cumulvec only) Should the cumulative distribution exclude a certain number of initial observations? Default 0.


Up-and-Down designs (UDDs) generate random walk behavior, which concentrates doses around the target quantile. Asymptotically, dose allocations follow a stationary distribution π\boldsymbol{\pi} which can be calculated given the number of doses MM, and the value of the cdf FF at each dose (i.e., the positive-response probabilities), and the specific UDD rules. No matter the starting dose, the allocation distribution converges to π\boldsymbol{\pi} at a geometric rate (Diaconis and Stroock, 1991).

Three functions are offered:

All functions first calculate the transition probability matrix (TPM), by calling one of the functions described under bcdmat. See that help page for more details.


A vector of allocation frequencies/probabilities for the doses, summing up to 1. Exception: cumulvec(propotions = FALSE) returns a vector of expected allocation counts, summing up to n - exclude.


When using the k-in-a-row design, set matfun = kmatMarg, not kmatFull.


Assaf P. Oron <assaf.oron.at.gmail.com>


See Also


#----- Classical UD Example -----#

# An example used in Oron et al. 2022, Fig. 2.
# It is presented here via the original motivating story:
# "Ketofol"  is a commonly-used anesthesia-inducing mix known to combine its 2 components' 
# beneficial properties, while each component mitigates the other's harmful side-effects. 
# In particular:
#     Propofol reduces blood pressure while ketamine raises it.
# What is *not* known at present, is which mix proportions produce 
# 0 "delta-BP" on average among the population. 

# The classical UD design below administers the mix 0-100% ketamine in 10% increments.
#    The design will concentrate doses around the point where half the population 
#    experiences 0 "delta-BP". (the 'zeroPt' parameter in the code)

doses = seq(0, 100, 10)
m=length(doses) # 11 dose levels

zeroPt=63 # the zero-BP point, in units of percent ketamine

# We assume a Normal ("Probit") dose-response curve,
#   and calculate the value of F (i.e.,  prob (delta BP > 0) at the doses:
equivF = pnorm( (doses - zeroPt) / 20)
round(equivF, 3)

# The vector below represents the values feeding into the Fig. 2B barplot.
# "startdose = 6" means the experiment begins from the 6th out of 11 doses, i.e., a 50:50 mix.

  round(cumulvec(cdf = equivF, matfun = classicmat, startdose = 6, n = 30), 3)

# Compare with the *instantaneous* probability distribution to the 30th patient:

round(currentvec(cdf = equivF, matfun = classicmat, startdose = 6, n = 30), 3)
# Classic up-and-down has quasi-periodic behavior with a (quasi-)period of 2. 
# Compare the instantaneous vectors at n=30 and 29:
round(currentvec(cdf = equivF, matfun = classicmat, startdose = 6, n = 29), 3)
# Note the alternating near-zero values. Distributions at even/odd n "communicate"
#    with each other only via the dose boundaries.

# Lastly, the asymptotic/stationary distribution. Notice there is no 'n' argument.

round(pivec(cdf = equivF, matfun = classicmat), 3)

# The cumulative vector at n=30 is not very far from the asymptotic vector. 
# The main difference is that at n=30 there's still a bit more
#    probability weight at the starting dose.
# We can check how much of that extra weight is from the 1st patient, by excluding that data point:

round(cumulvec(cdf = equivF, matfun = classicmat, startdose = 6, n = 30, exclude = 1), 3)

[Package upndown version 0.1.0 Index]