theta.prob {untb}R Documentation

Posterior probabilities for theta


Determines the posterior probability and likelihood for theta, given a count object


theta.prob(theta, x=NULL, give.log=TRUE)
theta.likelihood(theta, x=NULL, S=NULL, J=NULL, give.log=TRUE)



biodiversity parameter


object of class count or census


Boolean, with FALSE meaning to return the value, and default TRUE meaning to return the (natural) logarithm of the value

S, J

In function theta.likelihood(), the number of individuals (J) and number of species (S) in the ecosystem, if x is not supplied. These arguments are provided so that x need not be specified if S and J are known.


The formula was originally given by Ewens (1972) and is shown on page 122 of Hubbell (2001):

J!θS1ϕ12ϕ2JϕJϕ1!ϕ2!ϕJ!k=1J(θ+k1).\frac{J!\theta^S}{ 1^{\phi_1}2^{\phi_2}\ldots J^{\phi_J} \phi_1!\phi_2!\ldots \phi_J! \prod_{k=1}^J\left(\theta+k-1\right)}.

The likelihood is thus given by


Etienne observes that the denominator is equivalent to a Pochhammer symbol (θ)J(\theta)_J, so is thus readily evaluated as Γ(θ+J)/Γ(θ)\Gamma(\theta+J)/\Gamma(\theta) (Abramowitz and Stegun 1965, equation 6.1.22).


If estimating theta, use theta.likelihood() rather than theta.probability() because the former function generally executes much faster: the latter calculates a factor that is independent of theta.

The likelihood function L(θ)L(\theta) is any function of θ\theta proportional, for fixed observation zz, to the probability density f(z,θ)f(z,\theta). There is thus a slight notational inaccuracy in speaking of “the” likelihood function which is defined only up to a multiplicative constant. Note also that the “support” function is usually defined as a likelihood function with maximum value 11 (at the maximum likelihood estimator for θ\theta). This is not easy to determine analytically for J>5J>5.

Note that SS is a sufficient statistic for θ\theta.

Function theta.prob() does not give a PDF for θ\theta (so, for example, integrating over the real line does not give unity). The PDF is over partitions of JJ; an example is given below.

Function theta.prob() requires a count object (as opposed to theta.likelihood(), for which JJ and SS are sufficient) because it needs to call phi().


Robin K. S. Hankin


See Also

phi, optimal.prob



gg <- as.count(c(rep("a",10),rep("b",3),letters[5:9]))


## An example showing that theta.prob() is indeed a PMF:

a <- count(c(dogs=3,pigs=3,hogs=2,crabs=1,bugs=1,bats=1))
x <- partitions::parts(no.of.ind(a))
f <- function(x){theta.prob(theta=1.123,extant(count(x)),give.log=FALSE)}
sum(apply(x,2,f))  ## should be one exactly.

[Package untb version 1.7-7 Index]