Analysis and Graphics for Unreplicated Experiments

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Documentation for package ‘unrepx’ version 1.0-2

Help Pages

unrepx-package Analysis and graphics for unreplicated experiments
bikeEff Effect examples
daniel.paper Half-normal graph paper Resizeable dot plots
dot.mod Resizeable dot plots
dot.plot Resizeable dot plots
eff.test Analysis of effects from screening experiments
gyates Yates's algorithm
hnplot Half-normal plots (Daniel plots) of effects
ME Pseudo standard error of effects
parplot Pareto plot of effects
pdEff Effect examples
PSE Pseudo standard error of effects
ref.dist Analysis of effects from screening experiments
refplot Dot plot of effects with a reference distribution
shnkDisp Effect examples
shnkEff Effect examples
unrepx Analysis and graphics for unreplicated experiments
viseEff Effect examples
yates Yates's algorithm