Modeling with Unmeasured Confounding

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Documentation for package ‘unmconf’ version 0.1.0

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unmconf-package unmconf: Modeling with Unmeasured Confounding
coef.unm_int Fitting Multi-Staged Bayesian Regression Model with Unmeasured Confounders
drop_nulls Convert to Greek expressions
expand_labels Convert to Greek expressions
greek_expander Convert to Greek expressions
helpers Convert to Greek expressions
jags_code Fitting Multi-Staged Bayesian Regression Model with Unmeasured Confounders
make_greek_coefs Convert to Greek expressions
print.unm_int Fitting Multi-Staged Bayesian Regression Model with Unmeasured Confounders
runm Generate synthetic data
unmconf unmconf: Modeling with Unmeasured Confounding
unm_backfill Generate synthetic data
unm_dic Generate synthetic data
unm_glm Fitting Multi-Staged Bayesian Regression Model with Unmeasured Confounders
unm_summary Generate synthetic data