shades_of {unikn}R Documentation

Get n shades of a color


shades_of returns a vector of n colors that are shades of a color gradient ranging from an initial color col_1 to a final color col_n.


shades_of(n = 5, col_1 = "black", col_n = "white", alpha = NA)



Number of desired colors. Default: n = 5.


Initial color. Default: col_1 = "black".


Final (n-th) color. Default: col_n = "white".


A factor modifying the opacity alpha (as alpha.f in adjustcolor) to a value in [0, 1]. Default: alpha = NA (i.e., no modification of opacity).


By default, the color gradient returned contains n = 5 colors that range from the initial color col_1 = "black" to the final color col_n = "white". Specifying different values for n and the initial or final colors yields different color ranges.

shades_of is mostly a wrapper for a special usecol command. However, usecol allows defining more complex color gradients (e.g., by specifying more than two colors).

See Also

seecol for viewing and comparing color palettes; usecol for using color palettes; simcol for finding similar colors; newpal for defining new color palettes; grepal for finding named colors; ac for adjusting color transparency.

Other color functions: ac(), demopal(), grepal(), newpal(), seecol(), simcol(), usecol()


grey50 <- shades_of(50, col_1 = 'grey1')
seecol(grey50, main = "50 shades of grey1")

blue_black <- shades_of(5, Seeblau, col_n = "black")
seecol(blue_black, main = "5 shades from Seeblau to black")

wine_white <- shades_of(6, Bordeaux, alpha = 1/2)
seecol(wine_white, col_brd = "black", lwd_brd = .5, 
       main = "Shades of semi-transparent Bordeaux")

[Package unikn version 1.0.0 Index]