yorku_2 {unicol}R Documentation

Secondary colors of the York University, Canada


yorku_2 provides eight secondary colors of the York University, Canada.




An object of class character of length 8.


The 8 secondary colors are: "York red medium" (defined as RGB 175/13/26, HEX #AF0D1A), "York red dark" (defined as RGB 129/0/1, HEX #810001), "York bright blue" (defined as RGB 58/194/239, HEX #3AC2EF), "York light blue" (defined as RGB 172/230/248, HEX #ACE6F8), "York light grey" (defined as RGB 225/223/220, HEX #E1DFDC), "York pewter" (defined as RGB 214/207/202, HEX #D6CFCA), "York grey medium" (defined as RGB 183/174/169, HEX #B7AEA9), and "York grey dark" (defined as RGB 104/98/96, HEX #686260).

yorku_2 uses the HEX color definitions.


A named vector of colors (HEX/HTML codes of type character).


unicol, 2023-06-24.


Color definitions are based on York's Brand standards (PDF).

See Also

seecol for viewing and comparing color palettes; usecol for using color palettes; simcol for finding similar colors; newpal for defining new color palettes; grepal for finding named colors.

Other Canadian university color palettes: carleton, concordia_1, concordia_2, concordia_3, concordia_4, guelph, laval, manitoba_1, manitoba_2, mcgill_brights, mcgill_darks, mcgill_grey, mcgill_muted, mcgill_pastels, mcgill_red, mcmaster_brighterworld, mcmaster_heritage, mun_1, mun_2, queensu_1, queensu_2, sfu_brand, ubc, ucalgary_1, ucalgary_2, ucalgary_accent, ucalgary_warmgreys, uottawa, utoronto, uvic_1, uvic_2, uwaterloo_arts, uwaterloo_engineering, uwaterloo_environment, uwaterloo_health, uwaterloo_main, uwaterloo_math, uwaterloo_science, western_uni, yorku_1


unikn::seecol(yorku_2, main = "Secondary colors of York University, CA")  # view palette

[Package unicol version 0.3.0 Index]