uni_magdeburg_1 {unicol}R Documentation

Primary colors of the University of Magdeburg, Germany


uni_magdeburg_1 provides the primary colors of the Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg (OVGU), Germany.




An object of class character of length 6.


The primary dark red of the OVGU Magdeburg is OVGU rot, defined as CMYK 0 100 0 60, Pantone 228 C, RAL 3004, RGB 122 0 63, or HEX #7a003f.

uni_magdeburg_1 is based on RGB color definitions.

The primary OVGU rot should be used next to the logo for emphasis purposes. Large areas of the dark red obstruct a fresh and young appeal of a publication and should only be used in special cases.

Whereas the background white is only implicitly perceived, it is the most important corporate design element of the OVGU. White areas are not wasted space, but rather necessary elements to structure content, reveal connections, set accents, and improve readability.

Grey tones, photographs and visualizations are additional elements of aesthetics and design.

See OVGU's examples for details and color combinations.


A named vector of colors (HEX/HTML codes of type character).


unicol, 2023-10-03.


Color definitions are based on the OVGU's Corporate design guidelines (HTML).

See Also

uni_magdeburg_1 for primary colors of the OVGU Magdeburg; uni_magdeburg_2 for faculty colors of the OVGU Magdeburg; uni_magdeburg_3 for medical and hospital colors of the OVGU Magdeburg; seecol for viewing and comparing color palettes; usecol for using color palettes; simcol for finding similar colors; newpal for defining new color palettes; grepal for finding named colors.

Other German university color palettes: fu_0, fu_1, fu_2, fu_3, hu_1, hu_1_2022, hu_1_digital, hu_2, hu_2_2022, hu_3_accent, lmu_1, lmu_2, lmu_3, rptu, uni_bonn_1, uni_bonn_2, uni_freiburg_0, uni_freiburg_1, uni_freiburg_2, uni_freiburg_blue, uni_freiburg_br, uni_freiburg_grey, uni_freiburg_info, uni_goettingen_1, uni_goettingen_2, uni_goettingen_3, uni_halle, uni_hamburg_1, uni_hamburg_2, uni_heidelberg, uni_jena_1, uni_jena_2, uni_kassel, uni_kiel_1, uni_kiel_2, uni_koeln_1, uni_koeln_2, uni_konstanz_1, uni_konstanz_2, uni_magdeburg_2, uni_magdeburg_3, uni_mannheim_1, uni_mannheim_2, uni_potsdam, uni_regensburg_1, uni_regensburg_2, uni_regensburg_3, uni_stuttgart_1, uni_stuttgart_print, uni_ulm_1, uni_ulm_2


unikn::seecol(uni_magdeburg_1, col_bg = "grey90", 
              main = "Primary colors of the Uni Magdeburg (OVGU)")  # view palette

[Package unicol version 0.3.0 Index]