ucsd_3 {unicol}R Documentation

Neutral colors of the University of California San Diego (UCSD), USA


ucsd_3 provides four neutral colors of the UCSD, UC San Diego, University of California, USA.




An object of class character of length 4.


The 4 neutral colors are "black" (defined as CMYK 0/0/0/100, RGB R0/0/0, HEX #000000), "cool gray" (defined as CMYK 30/22/17/57, RGB R116/118/120, HEX #747678), "stone" (defined as CMYK 10/11/17/27, RGB R182/177/169, HEX #B6B1A9), and "white" (defined as CMYK 0/0/0/0, RGB R255/255/255, HEX #FFFFFF).

ucsd_3 uses the HEX color definitions.

Including neutrals into our color palette is essential for long-term adaptability.

While these neutral colors may not play a major role in branded materials, they provide options for contrast and flexibility.


A named vector of colors (HEX/HTML codes of type character).


unicol, 2023-06-16.


Color definitions are based on UCSD's Color manual.

See Also

ucsd_1 for core colors of UC San Diego; ucsd_2 for accent colors of UC San Diego; seecol for viewing and comparing color palettes; usecol for using color palettes; simcol for finding similar colors; newpal for defining new color palettes; grepal for finding named colors.

Other U.S. university color palettes: asu_1, asu_2, asu_3, berkeley_1, berkeley_2, brown_1, brown_2, bu, caltech_1, caltech_2, caltech_3, cmu_1, cmu_2, cmu_3, columbia_1, columbia_2, columbia_3, cornell_1, cornell_2, cornell_3_accent, dartmouth_1, dartmouth_2, dartmouth_3, duke_1, duke_2, harvard_1, harvard_2, harvard_3, jhu_0, jhu_1, jhu_2, jhu_3_accent, jhu_4_gray, manchester_uni_1, manchester_uni_2, michigan_1, michigan_2, minnesotatwin_1, minnesotatwin_2, mit, monash_1, monash_2, msu, northwestern_1, northwestern_2, notredame_1, notredame_2, nyu_1, nyu_2, nyu_accent, nyu_neutral, ohio_uni_1, ohio_uni_2, pitt_1, pitt_2, princeton_0, princeton_1, princeton_2, rpi_1, rpi_2, rpi_3, stanford_1, stanford_2, stanford_3, uchicago_1, uchicago_2, uci_1, uci_2, uci_3, uci_4, ucla_1, ucla_2, ucla_3, ucla_4, ucsd_1, ucsd_2, uflorida_1, uflorida_2, uflorida_3, umass_1, umass_2, umass_neutrals, upenn_1, upenn_2, vanderbilt_1, vanderbilt_2, vanderbilt_3, willamette, wm_1, wm_2, wm_3, yale, yeshiva


unikn::seecol(ucsd_3, main = "Neutral colors of UCSD")  # view color palette

[Package unicol version 0.3.0 Index]