stanford_3 {unicol}R Documentation

Web colors of Stanford University, USA


stanford_3 provides the nine web colors of Stanford University, CA, USA.




An object of class character of length 9.


These 9 web colors are "digital red" (defined as HEX #B1040E), "digital red light" (defined as HEX #E50808), "digital red dark" (defined as HEX #820000), "digital blue" (defined as HEX #006CB8), "digital blue light" (defined as HEX #6FC3FF), "digital blue dark" (defined as HEX #00548f), "digital green" (defined as HEX #008566), "digital green light" (defined as HEX #1AECBA), and "digital green dark" (defined as HEX #006F54).

"digital red" is not a replacement for Cardinal red; it can be used as an accent color on digital communications to add energy and emphasis. "digital red light" can be used for interactive elements over dark backgrounds for contrast. "digital red dark" can be used for smaller text over light backgrounds. Use "digital blue" for links over light backgrounds, "digital blue dark" for link hover/focus states, and "digital blue light" for links over dark backgrounds. Do not use these shades of blue in contexts other than links. Use "digital green" for things such as form validation, "digital green dark" for link hover/focus states, and "digital green light" for links over dark backgrounds.


A named vector of colors (HEX/HTML codes of type character).


unicol, 2023-06-14.


Color definitions are based on Stanford's Color manual.

See Also

stanford_1 for primary colors of Stanford University; stanford_2 for accent colors of Stanford University; seecol for viewing and comparing color palettes; usecol for using color palettes; simcol for finding similar colors; newpal for defining new color palettes; grepal for finding named colors.

Other U.S. university color palettes: asu_1, asu_2, asu_3, berkeley_1, berkeley_2, brown_1, brown_2, bu, caltech_1, caltech_2, caltech_3, cmu_1, cmu_2, cmu_3, columbia_1, columbia_2, columbia_3, cornell_1, cornell_2, cornell_3_accent, dartmouth_1, dartmouth_2, dartmouth_3, duke_1, duke_2, harvard_1, harvard_2, harvard_3, jhu_0, jhu_1, jhu_2, jhu_3_accent, jhu_4_gray, manchester_uni_1, manchester_uni_2, michigan_1, michigan_2, minnesotatwin_1, minnesotatwin_2, mit, monash_1, monash_2, msu, northwestern_1, northwestern_2, notredame_1, notredame_2, nyu_1, nyu_2, nyu_accent, nyu_neutral, ohio_uni_1, ohio_uni_2, pitt_1, pitt_2, princeton_0, princeton_1, princeton_2, rpi_1, rpi_2, rpi_3, stanford_1, stanford_2, uchicago_1, uchicago_2, uci_1, uci_2, uci_3, uci_4, ucla_1, ucla_2, ucla_3, ucla_4, ucsd_1, ucsd_2, ucsd_3, uflorida_1, uflorida_2, uflorida_3, umass_1, umass_2, umass_neutrals, upenn_1, upenn_2, vanderbilt_1, vanderbilt_2, vanderbilt_3, willamette, wm_1, wm_2, wm_3, yale, yeshiva


unikn::seecol(stanford_3, main = "Web colors of Stanford University") # view palette

[Package unicol version 0.3.0 Index]