mcmaster_heritage {unicol}R Documentation

Heritage colours of McMaster University, Canada


mcmaster_heritage provides the three heritage colours of McMaster University, Canada.




An object of class character of length 3.


The heritage colours are "McMaster heritage maroon" (defined as HEX #7A003C), "McMaster heritage gold" (defined as HEX #FDBF57), and "McMaster heritage grey" (defined as HEX #5E6A71).

The heritage colours are used in association with all McMaster materials.

Strengthen the McMaster brand by consistently using the McMaster colour palette across all digital communications. The rich hues suggest tradition and solidity. These colours are all reflected in the McMaster logo, an essential element of our brand identity. McMaster heritage maroon is a key brand colour. Continue to use this Heritage colour for all digital applications where appropriate. The Brighter World colours are to be used in all brand communications in addition to the Heritage colours.


A named vector of colours (HEX/HTML codes of type character).


unicol, 2023-06-27.


Colour definitions are based on McMaster's Digital brand manual (PDF).

See Also

mcmaster_brighterworld for the brighter world colours of McMaster University; seecol for viewing and comparing colour palettes; usecol for using colour palettes; simcol for finding similar colours; newpal for defining new colour palettes; grepal for finding named colours.

Other Canadian university color palettes: carleton, concordia_1, concordia_2, concordia_3, concordia_4, guelph, laval, manitoba_1, manitoba_2, mcgill_brights, mcgill_darks, mcgill_grey, mcgill_muted, mcgill_pastels, mcgill_red, mcmaster_brighterworld, mun_1, mun_2, queensu_1, queensu_2, sfu_brand, ubc, ucalgary_1, ucalgary_2, ucalgary_accent, ucalgary_warmgreys, uottawa, utoronto, uvic_1, uvic_2, uwaterloo_arts, uwaterloo_engineering, uwaterloo_environment, uwaterloo_health, uwaterloo_main, uwaterloo_math, uwaterloo_science, western_uni, yorku_1, yorku_2


unikn::seecol(mcmaster_heritage, main = "McMaster Heritage Colours") # view colour palette

[Package unicol version 0.3.0 Index]