caltech_2 {unicol}R Documentation

Primary and deep colors of Caltech, USA


caltech_2 provides the primary and 4 deep colors of the California Institute of Technology, CA, USA.




An object of class character of length 5.


Caltech's primary orange color is defined as Pantone MS 1585c (for coated and matte print jobs, PMS 151 for uncoated print jobs). Use this color for small highlights, rather than large areas.

Caltech's 4 deep colors add contrast to the primary Caltech orange as well as the neutral colors (of caltech_1), and are used to provide depth and texture to communications materials.


A named vector of colors (HEX/HTML codes of type character).


unicol, 2022-10-28.


Color definitions are based on

See Also

caltech_1 for Caltech's primary and neutral colors; caltech_3 for Caltech's bright colors; seecol for viewing and comparing color palettes; usecol for using color palettes; simcol for finding similar colors; newpal for defining new color palettes; grepal for finding named colors.

Other U.S. university color palettes: asu_1, asu_2, asu_3, berkeley_1, berkeley_2, brown_1, brown_2, bu, caltech_1, caltech_3, cmu_1, cmu_2, cmu_3, columbia_1, columbia_2, columbia_3, cornell_1, cornell_2, cornell_3_accent, dartmouth_1, dartmouth_2, dartmouth_3, duke_1, duke_2, harvard_1, harvard_2, harvard_3, jhu_0, jhu_1, jhu_2, jhu_3_accent, jhu_4_gray, manchester_uni_1, manchester_uni_2, michigan_1, michigan_2, minnesotatwin_1, minnesotatwin_2, mit, monash_1, monash_2, msu, northwestern_1, northwestern_2, notredame_1, notredame_2, nyu_1, nyu_2, nyu_accent, nyu_neutral, ohio_uni_1, ohio_uni_2, pitt_1, pitt_2, princeton_0, princeton_1, princeton_2, rpi_1, rpi_2, rpi_3, stanford_1, stanford_2, stanford_3, uchicago_1, uchicago_2, uci_1, uci_2, uci_3, uci_4, ucla_1, ucla_2, ucla_3, ucla_4, ucsd_1, ucsd_2, ucsd_3, uflorida_1, uflorida_2, uflorida_3, umass_1, umass_2, umass_neutrals, upenn_1, upenn_2, vanderbilt_1, vanderbilt_2, vanderbilt_3, willamette, wm_1, wm_2, wm_3, yale, yeshiva


unikn::seecol(caltech_2, main = "The primary and deep colors of Caltech")
unikn::demopal(caltech_2, type = 2, seed = 2,  
               main = "Using the primary and deep colors of Caltech")

[Package unicol version 0.3.0 Index]