auckland_2 {unicol}R Documentation

Faculty web colours of the University of Auckland, NZ


auckland_1 provides the university web colour styles of the University of Auckland, New Zealand.




An object of class character of length 10.


The spectrum provides each faculty with the opportunity to have a unique visual identity. It has been specifically designed to be web-friendly and match the faculty’s printed collateral (e.g., prospectuses).

These colour styles are used as the theme of the faculty site and also applies to the link and button styles / gradients.

The documented HEX values should be used for all screen colour representations, rather than RGB conversions of the specified print colours.

In addition to these specifications, the website uses a range of colours within the spectrum of the colour style.

A faculty is able to choose between using the University web colour range (see auckland_1) or their specific faculty style.


A named vector of colors (HEX/HTML codes of type character).


unicol, 2023-09-07.


Color definitions are based on Version 12 of the University of Auckland's Web Style Guide (PDF).

See Also

auckland_1 for university colours of the University of Auckland; seecol for viewing and comparing color palettes; usecol for using color palettes; simcol for finding similar colors; newpal for defining new color palettes; grepal for finding named colors.

Other New Zealand university color palettes: auckland_1, otago, waikato


unikn::seecol(auckland_2, main = "Faculty web colour styles of the University of Auckland, NZ")

[Package unicol version 0.3.0 Index]