Calculator of Understandability Metrics for BPMN

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Documentation for package ‘understandBPMN’ version 1.1.1

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understandBPMN-package understandBPMN - understandability metrics for BPMN models
activity_multiple_times_executed activity sometimes multiple times executed
activity_names_repetitions activity names repetitions
avg_connector_degree Average connector degree
calculate_metrics A calculation function for all metrics
coefficient_network_connectivity Coefficient of network connectivity
cognitive_weight Cognitive weights
connectivity_level_between_pools The connectivity level between pools
connector_heterogeneity Connector heterogeneity
connector_mismatch Connector mismatch
control_flow_complexity Control flow complexity
coupling_metric Coupling metric
create_internal_doc A function for creating internal documents
create_path_and_repetition_log Path and repetition log
cross_connectivity Cross Connectivity
cyclicity Cyclicity
cyclomatic_metric Cyclomatic metric of McCabe
density_process_model Density
depth Depth
diameter Diameter
direct_parallel_relations Direct and parallel relations
filtered_path_log_parallel Filter path log with only traces containing the parallel gateway together with the relevant activity
max_connector_degree Maximum connector degree
n_data_objects Data Objects
n_duplicate_tasks Duplicate tasks
n_empty_sequence_flows Empty sequence flows
n_message_flows Number of message flows
n_pools Number of pools
n_swimlanes Number of swimlanes
separability Separability
sequentiality Sequentiality
size_process_model Size
some_traces_without_activity activity sometimes not in traces
structuredness Structuredness
task_names Task names
token_split Token Split
traces_contain_relation Relation in traces
understandBPMN understandBPMN - understandability metrics for BPMN models