makeTracesPolar {ultrapolaRplot}R Documentation

Converts to polar coordinates


Converts raw coordinate data from loadTraces into polar coordinates. Options available to specify the x-coodrindate of origin tranducer, including algorithms for BottomMean and BottomMiddle. Sample interval degrees of ray can be specified as well.


makeTracesPolar(rawTraces, origin.algorithm = "BottomMiddle", origin.x = NA, 
scaling.factor = 800/600)



data frame returned from loadTraces()


takes list of all extracted x-coordinates and sets


override x coordinate of origin


default 800/600


Returns a list of matrices. Each item within the list is labelled by its respective segment, such as 'e', 'i' and 'o'. Each segment is respectively further labeled by the trace number such as 'e[[1]]' and for example up to 'e[[11]]', if there are 11 traces for segment 'e'. There is a matrix for each trace within a segment. The column number represents the individual point along that trace, and the row values contain 1) x-coordinate, 2) y-coordinate, 3) angle in radians from origin (0,0), and 4) radius, for that point.

[Package ultrapolaRplot version 0.1.1 Index]