Download Data on UK Police and Crime

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Documentation for package ‘ukpolice’ version 0.2.2

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ukpolice-package ukpolice: Download Data on UK Police and Crime
ukc_available Available data
ukc_crime_category Crime categories
ukc_crime_coord Crimes at a specific location
ukc_crime_loc Crimes at a specific location
ukc_crime_location Crimes at a specific location
ukc_crime_no_location Crimes without location
ukc_crime_poly Crimes at a specific location
ukc_forces England and Wales Police Forces
ukc_force_details England and Wales Police Forces
ukc_last_update Latest crime update
ukc_neighbourhoods Policing Neighbourhoods
ukc_neighbourhood_boundary Specific Neighbourhood Boundary
ukc_neighbourhood_events Specific Neighbourhood
ukc_neighbourhood_location Neighbourhood Location
ukc_neighbourhood_priorities Specific Neighbourhood
ukc_neighbourhood_specific Specific Neighbourhood
ukc_neighbourhood_team Specific Neighbourhood
ukc_officers England and Wales Police Forces
ukc_specific_outcome Outcomes for a specific crime
ukc_stop_search_coord Stop and search
ukc_stop_search_force Stop and Searches by Police Force
ukc_stop_search_loc Stop and search
ukc_stop_search_location Stop and search
ukc_stop_search_no_location Stop and Searches without location
ukc_stop_search_poly Stop and search
ukc_street_crime Street level crime
ukc_street_crime_outcome Street level crime outcomes