gridrho.f |
Support function for 'ui.causal' |
grr |
Gradient for the loglikelihood used by ui.probit |
hess |
Hessian for the loglikelihood used by ui.probit |
interv.p |
Print interval in parantesis |
lambda0 |
Inverse Mills rato |
lambda1 |
Inverse Mills rato |
LogL.probit |
Loglikelihood used by ui.probit |
Logl.sandACT |
Loglikelohood used in sandwich estimator of average causal effect on the treated for DR |
ML.probit |
Fit maximum likelihood for fixed values of rho |
plot.uicausal |
Plot of UI and CI |
plot.uiols |
Plot of UI and CI |
plot.uiprobit |
Plot of UI and CI |
print.uicausal |
Print function for object of class uicausal |
print.uiols |
Prints objects of class uiols |
print.uiprobit |
Prints objects of class uiprobit |
profile.uicausal |
Plot of UI and CI |
profile.uiols |
Plot of UI and CI |
profile.uiprobit |
Plot of UI and CI |
sandACT |
Calculates standard error of Average causal effect on the treated |
sandImpACE |
Calculates standard error of Average causal effect |
sandImpACT |
Calculates standard error of Average causal effect on the treated |
se.ols |
Calculation of se for OLS |
sigmaOLScor0 |
Correction of OLS sigma for causal effects |
sigmaOLScor1 |
Correction of OLS sigma |
ui.causal |
Uncertainty intervals for Average Causal Effects |
ui.ols |
Uncertainty intervals for OLS regression |
ui.probit |
Uncertainty intervals for probit regression |