ugatsdb-package |
Uganda Time Series Database API |
.IDvars |
Global Identifier Macros |
.Tvars |
Global Identifier Macros |
datasets |
Retrieve Datasets Table |
datasources |
Retrieve Data Sources Table |
expand_date |
Generate Temporal Identifiers from a Date Column |
get_data |
Retrieve Data from the Database |
long2wide |
Reshape Long API Data to Column-Based Format |
make_date |
Coerce Vectors to Dates |
series |
Retrieve Series Table |
transpose_wide |
Transpose a Wide Dataset to a Row-Based Format |
ugatsdb |
Uganda Time Series Database API |
ugatsdb_reconnect |
Reconnect to Database |
wide2excel |
Export Wide Data to Excel |
wide2long |
Reshape Column-Based Data to Long Format |