ud.are.convertible {udunits2} | R Documentation |
Determine whether two units may be converted between each other
This function takes udunits compatible strings and determines whether or not it is possible to convert between them.
ud.are.convertible(u1, u2)
u1 |
A character string which is parseable into a udunits compatible unit. |
u2 |
Another character string which is also parseable into a udunits compatible unit. |
Even if two units are parseable and recognized by the udunits library, it may or may not be possible to convert from one to another. For example, it makes sense to convert from celsius to kelvin, however not from celsius to kilograms. This function allows the user to check if two units are of the same system and if there exists a defined conversion between the two.
Returns a logical: True
if the units can be converted between
each other, False
if either of the arguments is not parseable
by udunits, or if no conversion is possible.
James Hiebert hiebert@uvic.ca
See the udunits function ut_are_convertible: https://www.unidata.ucar.edu/software/udunits/udunits-2.1.24/udunits2lib.html#ut_005fare_005fconvertible_0028_0029 and the main uninits webpage: https://www.unidata.ucar.edu/software/udunits/
See Also
ud.are.convertible("miles", "km") # TRUE
ud.are.convertible("grams", "kilograms") # TRUE
ud.are.convertible("celsius", "grams") # FALSE
ud.are.convertible("not", "parseable") # FALSE