txtplot {txtplot}R Documentation

Ascii graphics


Provides a function to produce rudimentary ascii graphics directly in the terminal window.

txtplot provides the basic plotting function of two numeric vectors. All other functions below are based on this.
txtcurve is a text based equivalent of the curve function
txtdensity is a text based density estimation function based on the density function
txtacf is a text based equivalent of the acf function and based on the acf function.
txtbarchart is a text based barplot and plots the relative frequences of the occurences of the different levels of a factor (in percent)


txtplot(x, y = NULL, pch = "*", width = round(options()$width*0.8),
        height = round(0.25*width), xlab = NULL, ylab = NULL,
        xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL)

txtcurve(expr, from = NULL, to = NULL, n = 101,
         pch = "*", width = round(options()$width*0.8),
         height = round(0.25*width), xlab = NULL, ylab = NULL)

txtdensity(x, pch = "*", width = round(options()$width*0.8),
        height = round(0.25*width), xlab = NULL, ylab = NULL)

txtacf(x, pch = "*", lag.max = 20, type = c("correlation", "covariance", "partial"),
       na.action = na.fail, demean = TRUE, width = round(options()$width*0.8),
       height = round(0.25*width), xlab = NULL, ylab = NULL)

txtbarchart(x, pch = "*", width = round(options()$width*0.8),
            height = round(0.25*width), ylab = NULL)



numeric containing the x-values to plot (for txtbarchart this needs to be of class factor). NA, NaN are removed for plotting. Infinities cause an error


numeric containing the x-values to plot (needs to be of the same length as x). If NULL the numeric x is plotted against 1:length(x). NA, NaN are removed for plotting. Infinities cause an error


Plotting symbol

width, height

Width and height of the plots in points

xlab, ylab

labels for x and y axis

xlim, ylim

limits for x and y axis in plot, if equal to NULL automatically determined from x and y.


An expression to plot (containing x)

from, to

Defines boundaries of plotting region for expr in txtcurve


integer specifying the number of x values between from and to

lag.max, type, na.action, demean

arguments for call of acf function, see ?acf for details


Due to rounding to a relatively crude grid results can only be approximate! The equally spaced axis ticks, for example, may be non-equally spaced in the plot.

Due to the crude grid also there might be several points per pixel. The function uses the same plotting symbol no matter how many points coincide on one pixel


Bjoern Bornkamp

See Also



  ## basic plotting function
  txtplot(cars[,1], cars[,2])
  ## can include axis labels when desired
  txtplot(cars[,1], cars[,2], xlab = "speed", ylab = "distance")

  ## text based density plot

  ## text based plotting of functions
  txtcurve(x/(x+1), 0, 4, xlab = "Emax model")

  ## text based acf

  ## text based barchart
  x <- factor(c("orange", "orange", "red", "green", "green", "red",
               "yellow", "purple", "purple", "orange"))

  ## text based boxplots
  rand1 <- rnorm(100, 1, 2)
  rand2 <- rnorm(50, 2, 2)
  rand3 <- rnorm(50, 2, 5)
  txtboxplot(rand1, rand2, rand3)

[Package txtplot version 1.0-4 Index]