DE Analysis for Single-Cell RNA-Sequencing Data

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Documentation for package ‘twosigma’ version 1.0.2

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adhoc.twosigma adhoc.twosigma: Perform the ad hoc method described in TWO-SIGMA paper
lr.twosigma Convenient wrapper function for performing joint likelihood ratio tests using the TWO-SIGMA model.
lr.twosigma_custom Convenient wrapper function for performing joint likelihood ratio tests with the TWO-SIGMA model using custom user-specified formulas.
simulate_zero_inflated_nb_random_effect_data Simulated zero-inflated negative binomial data with random effects Convenient wrapper function for performing (joint) likelihood ratio tests of variance components using the TWO-SIGMA model.
twosigma Fit the TWO-SIGMA Model.
twosigmag Gene set testing for single-cell RNA-sequencing data adjusting for inter-gene correlation.
twosigma_custom Fit the TWO-SIGMA model with custom user-specified model formulas.