date_to_numeric_cycle {twdtw}R Documentation

Convert Date/POSIXct to a Numeric Cycle


This function takes a date or datetime and converts it to a numeric cycle. The cycle can be specified in units of years, months, days, hours, minutes, or seconds. When cycle_length is a string, time_scale only changes the unit in which the result is expressed. When cycle_length is numeric, time_scale and origin are used to compute the elapsed time.


date_to_numeric_cycle(x, cycle_length, time_scale, origin = NULL)



A vector of dates or datetimes to convert. If not of type Date or POSIXct, the function attempts to convert it.


The length of the cycle. Can be a numeric value or a string specifying the units ('year', 'month', 'day', 'hour', 'minute', 'second'). When numeric, the cycle length is in the same units as time_scale. When a string, it specifies the time unit of the cycle.


Specifies the time scale for the conversion. Must be one of 'year', 'month', 'day', 'hour', 'minute', 'second'. When cycle_length is a string, time_scale changes the unit in which the result is expressed. When cycle_length is numeric, time_scale is used to compute the elapsed time in seconds.


For numeric cycle_length, the origin must be specified. This is the point from which the elapsed time is computed. Must be of the same class as x.


The numeric cycle value(s) corresponding to x.


date_to_numeric_cycle(Sys.time(), "year", "day") # Returns the day of the year
date_to_numeric_cycle(Sys.time(), "day", "hour") # Returns the hour of the day

[Package twdtw version 1.0-1 Index]