computingN |
Calculates the required Number of Years for a specific given Present Value to become equal to an amount that of a given Future Value at given Discount Rate. |
computingROR |
Calculates the required Rate of Return for a specific given amount of Present Value to become equal to that of a given amount of Future Value in given Number of Years. |
fvContinuousCompSingleCF |
Calculates Future Value of a Single Cash Flow for Continuous Compounding. |
fvDailyCompSingleCF |
Calculates Future Value of a Single Cash Flow for Daily compounding. |
fvMonthlyCompSingleCF |
Computing Future Value of a Single Cash Flow under Monthly Compounding Frequency. |
fvMonthlyPaidAnnuityCompMonthly |
Calculates Future Value of Monthly Paid Ordinary Annuity or Annuity Due that is Compounded Monthly. |
fvQuarterlyCompSingleCF |
Computing Future Value of a Single Cash Flow for Quarterly Compounding Frequency. |
fvQuarterlyPaidAnnuityCompQuarterly |
Calculates Future Value of Quarterly Paid Ordinary Annuity or Annuity Due that is Compounded Quarterly. |
fvSemiAnnualCompSingleCF |
Computing Future Value of a Single Cash Flow for Semi-Annual Compounding Frequency. |
fvSemiAnnuallyPaidAnnuityCompSemiAnnually |
Calculates Future Value of Semi-Annual Paid Ordinary Annuity or Annuity Due that is Compounded Semi-Annually. |
fvVariousCompSingleCF |
Calculates Future Value of Single Cash Flow for various Compounding Frequencies. |
fvYearlyAnnuityCompAnnually |
Calculates Future Value of Yearly Paid Ordinary Annuity or Annuity Due that is Compounded Annually. |
fvYearlyAnnuityCompDaily |
Calculates Future Value of Yearly Paid Ordinary Annuity or Annuity Due that is Compounded Daily. |
fvYearlyAnnuityCompMonthly |
Calculates Future Value of Yearly Paid Ordinary Annuity or Annuity Due that is Compounded Monthly. |
fvYearlyAnnuityCompQuarterly |
Calculates Future Value of Yearly Paid Ordinary Annuity or Annuity Due that is Compounded Quarterly. |
fvYearlyAnnuityCompSemiAnnually |
Calculates Future Value of Yearly Paid Ordinary Annuity or Annuity Due that is Compounded Semi-Annually. |
fvYearlyCompSingleCF |
Computing Future Value of a Single Cash Flow with Yearly Compounding Frequency. |
pvAnytypePerpetuity |
Computing Present Value of an Ordinary Perpetuity or Perpetuity Due. |
pvContinuousCompSingleCF |
Calculates Present Value of a Single Cash Flow that is Compounded Continuously. |
pvDailyCompSingleCF |
Calculates Present Value of a Single Cash Flow for Daily Compounding Frequency. |
pvMonthlyCompSingleCF |
Computing Present Value of a Single Cash Flow under Monthly Compounding Frequency. |
pvMonthlyPaidAnnuityCompMonthly |
Computing Present Value of Monthly paid Ordinary Annuity or Annuity Due for Monthly Compounding. |
pvQuarterlyCompSingleCF |
Computing Present Value of a Single Cash Flow for Quarterly Compounding. |
pvQuarterlyPaidAnnuityCompQuarterly |
Computing Present Value of Quarterly Paid Ordinary Annuity or Annuity Due that is Compounded Quarterly. |
pvSemiAnnualCompSingleCF |
Computing Present Value of a Single Cash Flow for Semi-Annual Compounding. |
pvSemiAnnuallyPaidAnnuityCompSemiAnnually |
Computing Present Value of Semi-Annually Paid Ordinary Annuity or Annuity Due that is Compounded Semi-Annually. |
pvVariousCompSingleCF |
Calculates Present Value of Single Cash Flow for various Compounding Frequencies. |
pvYearlyAnnuityCompDaily |
Computing Present Value of Yearly Paid Ordinary Annuity or Annuity Due that is Compounded Daily. |
pvYearlyAnnuityCompMonthly |
Computing Present Value of Yearly Paid Ordinary Annuity or Annuity Due that is Compounded Monthly. |
pvYearlyAnnuityCompQuarterly |
Computing Present Value of Yearly Paid Ordinary Annuity or Annuity Due that is Compounded Quarterly. |
pvYearlyAnnuityCompSemiAnnually |
Computing Present Value of Yearly Paid Ordinary Annuity or Annuity Due that is Compounded Semi-Annually. |
pvYearlyCompSingleCF |
Computing Present Value of a Single Cash Flow with Yearly Compounding. |
pvYearlyPaidAnnuityCompYearly |
Computing Present Value of Yearly Paid Ordinary Annuity or Annuity Due that is Compounded Annually. |
rorPerpetuity |
Computing Rate of Return of a Perpetuity. |