speed |
NULL or numeric vector with the values of the
speed coefficients.
location |
NULL or numeric vector with the values of the
location coefficients.
xtv |
NULL or numeric vector , time series or zoo
object to include as the transition variable in the TV component. If
NULL , a continuous variable bounded between 0 and 1 for n
observations is constructed and used as the transition variable.
n |
integer indicating the number of observations of the
continuous transition variable bounded between 0 and 1.
opt |
integer , indicates whether the speed parameter in the TV
component should be scaled. If 0, no scaling; if 1, speed/sd(xtv); if 2,
exp(speed). For function tv() , the default is 0.
order.g |
a scalar in tv() and an integer vector
of length s in tvObj() indicating the number of locations in each
transition function of the TV component. For function tv() , it defaults
to NULL .
as.zoo |
logical . If TRUE , then the returned result is of
class zoo .
verbose |
logical , if TRUE , the values of not only the
logistic transition function but also the transition variable are returned.
par.g |
numeric vector with the values of the parameters in the TV
component. If iter0 =TRUE, par.g takes the form
c(intercept.g , size , speed , location ); if
iter0 =FALSE , then par.g =c(speed ,size ,
location ) and the values of the fixed parameters are provided using
fixed.par.g ).
fixed.par.g |
NULL or numeric vector with the values of the
parameters fixed in the TV component, i.e., intercept.g.
par |
NULL or numeric vector with the values of the
parameters in the TV-GARCH-X model.
fixed.h |
numeric vector , time series or zoo
containing the values of GARCH-X component).
y |
numeric vector , time series or zoo object.
iter0 |
logical . If FALSE , some parameters in the TV
component are fixed during the iterative estimation.
flag |
integer . If 0, returns a numeric vector with the
values of the objective function; if 1 returns the the value of the objective
function; if 2, returns the fitted variance components.
par.h |
numeric vector with the values of the parameters in the
GARCH-X component.
order.h |
integer vector of the form c(p,q,r). The first
entry controls the GARCH order, the second the ARCH order and the third the
asymmetry order of the GARCH-X component.
xreg |
numeric vector , times eries or zoo object to include as
covariates in the GARCH-X component.
fixed.g |
numeric vector , time series or zoo
containing the values of TV component).
iter.fit.h |
a list of class 'garchx'.