Turn Vectors and Lists of Vectors into Indexed Structures

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Documentation for package ‘turner’ version 0.1.9

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turner-package 'turner' Turns vectors and lists of vectors into indexed structures
df_to_blocks Split a data frame into blocks
dummy_to_list Create an indexed list from a dummy matrix
factor_to_dummy Create a dummy matrix from the elements in a factor
from_to Starting and ending positions
funlist Apply a function to all elements in a list
indexify Create indices for elements in a vector or list
lengths Length of each element within a list
listify Create a list from a vector of integers
listsize Size: total number of elements in a list
list_ones List with vectors of ones
list_to_dummy Create a dummy matrix from the elements in a list
list_to_matrix Design-type matrix from the elements in a list
matrix_to_blocks Split a matrix into blocks
maxlist Maximum of all elements in a list
meanlist Mean of all elements in a list
minlist Minimum of all elements in a list
prodlist Product of all elements in a list
sizelist Size: total number of elements in a list
sumlist Sum of all elements in a list
turner 'turner' Turns vectors and lists of vectors into indexed structures
vector_to_dummy Create a dummy matrix from the elements in a vector