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Documentation for package ‘tuneR’ version 1.4.7

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tuneR-package tuneR
Arith-method Arithmetics on Waves
audspec Frequency band conversion
bark2hz Frequency scale conversion
bind Concatenating Wave objects
bind-method Concatenating Wave objects
channel Channel conversion for Wave objects
coerce-method Constructors and coercion for class Wave objects
coerce-method Constructors and coercion for class WaveMC objects
coerce-method Class WspecMat
deltas Calculate delta features
dolpc (Perceptive) Linear Prediction
downsample Downsampling a Wave or WaveMC object
equalWave Checking Wave objects
extractWave Extractor for Wave and WaveMC objects
FF Estimation of Fundamental Frequencies from a Wspec object
FFpure Estimation of Fundamental Frequencies from a Wspec object
getMidiNotes Extract note events from objects returned by readMidi
getWavPlayer Getting and setting the default player for Wave files
hz2bark Frequency scale conversion
hz2mel Frequency scale conversion
image-method Plotting WspecMat objects
image-Wspec Plotting WspecMat objects
length-method S4 generic for length
lifter Liftering of cepstra
lilyinput Providing LilyPond compatible input
lpc2cep LPC to cepstra conversion
MCnames Default channel ordering for multi channel wave files
mel2hz Frequency scale conversion
melfcc MFCC Calculation
melodyplot Plotting a melody
mono Converting (extracting, joining) stereo to mono and vice versa
nchannel Number of channels
nchannel-method Number of channels
noise Create Wave Objects of Special Waveforms
normalize Rescale the range of values
normalize-method Rescale the range of values
noSilence Cut off silence from a Wave or WaveMC object
noSilence-method Cut off silence from a Wave or WaveMC object
noteFromFF Deriving notes from frequencies
notenames Generating note names from numbers
panorama Narrow the Panorama of a Stereo Sample
panorama-method Narrow the Panorama of a Stereo Sample
periodogram Periodogram (Spectral Density) Estimation on Wave objects
periodogram-method Periodogram (Spectral Density) Estimation on Wave objects
play Playing Waves
play-method Playing Waves
plot-method Plotting Wave objects
plot-method Plotting Wspec objects
plot-method Plotting WspecMat objects
plot-Wspec Plotting Wspec objects
plot-WspecMat Plotting WspecMat objects
plot_Wave_channel Plotting Wave objects
postaud Equal loudness compression
powspec Powerspectrum
prepComb Preparing the combination/concatenation of Wave or WaveMC objects
pulse Create Wave Objects of Special Waveforms
quantize Functions for the quantization of notes
quantMerge Functions for the quantization of notes
quantplot Plotting the quantization of a melody
readMidi Read a MIDI file
readMP3 Read an MPEG-2 layer 3 file into a Wave object
readWave Reading Wave files
sawtooth Create Wave Objects of Special Waveforms
setWavPlayer Getting and setting the default player for Wave files
show-method Showing objects
silence Create Wave Objects of Special Waveforms
sine Create Wave Objects of Special Waveforms
smoother Meta Function for Smoothers
spec2cep Spectra to Cepstra Conversion
square Create Wave Objects of Special Waveforms
stereo Converting (extracting, joining) stereo to mono and vice versa
summary-method Object Summaries
tuneR tuneR
updateWave Update old Wave objects for use with new versions of tuneR
Wave Constructors and coercion for class Wave objects
Wave-class Class Wave
Wave-method Constructors and coercion for class Wave objects
Waveforms Create Wave Objects of Special Waveforms
WaveMC Constructors and coercion for class WaveMC objects
WaveMC-class Class WaveMC
WaveMC-method Constructors and coercion for class WaveMC objects
writeWave Writing Wave files
Wspec Class Wspec
Wspec-class Class Wspec
WspecMat Class WspecMat
WspecMat-class Class WspecMat
[-method Extract or Replace Parts of an Object
[-method Constructors and coercion for class Wave objects
[-method Constructors and coercion for class WaveMC objects
[-method Class Wspec
[-method Class WspecMat