depmeasures {tsxtreme}R Documentation

Estimate dependence measures


Appropriate marginal transforms are done before the fit using standard procedures, before the dependence model is fitted to the data. Then the posterior distribution of a measure of dependence is derived. thetafit gives posterior samples for the extremal index \theta(x,m) and chifit does the same for the coefficient of extremal dependence \chi_m(x).


thetafit(ts, lapl = FALSE, nlag = 1,
      R = 1000, S = 500,
      u.mar = 0, u.dep,
      probs = seq(u.dep, 0.9999, length.out = 30),
      method.mar = c("mle", "mom","pwm"), method = c("prop", "MCi"),
      silent = FALSE,
      fit = TRUE,, par = bayesparams(),
      submodel = c("fom", "none"), levels=c(.025,.975))

chifit(ts, lapl = FALSE, nlag = 1,
      R = 1000, S = 500,
      u.mar = 0, u.dep,
      probs = seq(u.dep, 0.9999, length.out = 30),
      method.mar = c("mle", "mom","pwm"), method = c("prop", "MCi"),
      silent = FALSE,
      fit = TRUE,, par = bayesparams(),
      submodel = c("fom", "none"), levels=c(.025,.975))



a vector, the time series for which to estimate the extremal index \theta(x,m) or the coefficient of extremal dependence \chi_m(x), with x a probability level and m a run-length (see details).


logical; TRUE indicates that ts has a marginal Laplace distribution. If FALSE (default), method.mar is used to transform the marginal distribution of ts to Laplace.


the run-length; an integer larger or equal to 1.


the number of samples per MCMC iteration drawn from the sampled posterior distributions; used for the estimation of the dependence measure.


the number of posterior distributions sampled to be used for the estimation of the dependence measure.


probability; threshold used for marginal transformation if lapl is FALSE. Not used otherwise.


probability; threshold used for the extremal dependence model.


vector of probabilities; the values of x for which to evaluate \theta(x,m) or \chi_m(x).


a character string defining the method used to estimate the marginal GPD; either "mle" for maximum likelihood of "mom" for method of moments or "pwm" for probability weighted moments methods. Defaults to "mle".


a character string defining the method used to estimate the dependence measure; either "prop" for proportions or "MCi" for Monte Carlo integration (see details).


logical (FALSE); verbosity.


logical; TRUE means that the dependence model must be fitted and the values in par are used. Otherwise the result from a previous call to depfit.

an object of class 'bayesfit'. Needed if fit is FALSE. Typically returned by a previous call to depfit.


an object of class 'bayesparams' to be used for the fit of dependence model.


a character string, either "fom" for first order Markov or "none" for no specification.


vector of probabilites; the quantiles of the posterior distribution of the extremal measure to be computed.


The sub-asymptotic extremal index is defined as

\theta(x,m) = Pr(X_1 < x,\ldots,X_m < x | X_0 > x),

whose limit as x and m go to \inftyappropriately is the extremal index \theta. The extremal index can be interpreted as the inverse of the asymptotic mean cluster size (see thetaruns).

The sub-asymptotic coefficient of extremal dependence is

\chi_m(x) = Pr(X_m > x | X_0 > x),

whose limit \chi defines asymptotic dependence (\chi > 0) or asymptotic independence (\chi = 0).

Both types of extremal dependence measures can be estimated either using a

* proportion method (method == "prop"), sampling from the conditional probability given X_0 > x and counting the proportion of sampled points falling in the region of interest, or

* Monte Carlo integration (method == "MCi"), sampling replicates from the marginal exponential tail distribution and evaluating the conditional tail distribution in these replicates, then taking their mean as an approximation of the integral.

submodel == "fom" imposes a first order Markov structure to the model, namely a geometrical decrease in \alpha and a constant \beta across lags, i.e. \alpha_j = \alpha^j and \beta_j = \beta, j=1,\ldots,m.


An object of class 'depmeasure', containing a subset of:


An object of class 'bayesfit'


An array with dimensions m \times length(probs) \times (2+length(levels)), with the last dimension listing the posterior mean and median, and the level posterior quantiles


An array with dimensions m \times length(probs) \times S; posterior samples of theta


An array with dimensions m \times length(probs) \times (2+length(levels)), with the last dimension listing the posterior mean and median, and the level posterior quantiles




probs transformed to original scale of ts

See Also

depfit, theta2fit, thetaruns


## generate data from an AR(1)
## with Gaussian marginal distribution
n   <- 10000
dep <- 0.5
ar    <- numeric(n)
ar[1] <- rnorm(1)
for(i in 2:n)
  ar[i] <- rnorm(1, mean=dep*ar[i-1], sd=1-dep^2)
plot(ar, type="l")
grid <- seq(-3,3,0.01)
lines(grid, dnorm(grid), col="blue")

## rescale the margin (focus on dependence)
ar <- qlapl(pnorm(ar))

## fit the data
params <- bayesparams()
params$maxit <- 100 # bigger numbers would be
params$burn  <- 10  # more sensible...
params$thin  <- 4
theta <- thetafit(ts=ar, R=500, S=100, u.mar=0.95, u.dep=0.98,
                  probs = c(0.98, 0.999), par=params)
## or, same thing in two steps to control fit output before computing theta:
fit <- depfit(ts=ar, u.mar=0.95, u.dep=0.98, par=params)
theta <- thetafit(ts=ar, R=500, S=100, u.mar=0.95, u.dep=0.98,
                  probs = c(0.98, 0.999), fit=FALSE,

[Package tsxtreme version 0.3.3 Index]