dep2fit {tsxtreme}R Documentation

Dependence model fit (stepwise)


The conditional Heffernan–Tawn model is used to fit the dependence in time of a stationary series. A standard 2-stage procedure is used.


dep2fit(ts, u.mar = 0, u.dep,
        lapl = FALSE, method.mar = c("mle","mom","pwm"),
        nlag = 1, conditions = TRUE)



numeric vector; time series to be fitted.


marginal threshold; used when transforming the time series to Laplace scale.


dependence threshold; level above which the dependence is modelled. u.dep can be lower than u.mar.


logical; is ts on the Laplace scale already? The default (FALSE) assumes unknown marginal distribution.


a character string defining the method used to estimate the marginal GPD; either "mle" for maximum likelihood of "mom" for method of moments. Defaults to "mle".


integer; number of lags to be considered when modelling the dependence in time.


logical; should conditions on α\alpha and β\beta be set? (see Details) Defaults to TRUE.


Consider a stationary time series (Xt)(X_t) with Laplace marginal distribution; the fitting procedure consists of fitting

Xt=αt×x0+x0βt×Zt,t=1,,m,X_t = \alpha_t\times x_0 + x_0^{\beta_t}\times Z_t,\quad t=1,\ldots,m,

with mm the number of lags considered. A likelihood is maximised assuming ZtN(μt,σt2)Z_t\sim N(\mu_t, \sigma^2_t), then an empirical distribution for the ZtZ_t is derived using the estimates of αt\alpha_t and βt\beta_t and the relation

Z^t=Xtα^t×x0x0β^t.\hat Z_t = \frac{X_t - \hat\alpha_t\times x_0}{x_0^{\hat\beta_t}}.

conditions implements additional conditions suggested by Keef, Papastathopoulos and Tawn (2013) on the ordering of conditional quantiles. These conditions help with getting a consistent fit by shrinking the domain in which (α,β)(\alpha,\beta) live.



parameter controlling the conditional extremal expectation.


parameter controlling the conditional extremal expectation and variance.


empirical residual of the model.

vector of length 2 giving the estimated standard errors for alpha and beta given by the hessian matrix of the likelihood function used in the first step of the inference procedure.

See Also

depfit, theta2fit


## generate data from an AR(1)
## with Gaussian marginal distribution
n   <- 10000
dep <- 0.5
ar    <- numeric(n)
ar[1] <- rnorm(1)
for(i in 2:n)
  ar[i] <- rnorm(1, mean=dep*ar[i-1], sd=1-dep^2)
plot(ar, type="l")
grid <- seq(-3,3,0.01)
lines(grid, dnorm(grid), col="blue")

## rescale margin
ar <- qlapl(pnorm(ar))

## fit model without constraints...
fit1 <- dep2fit(ts=ar, u.mar = 0.95, u.dep=0.98, conditions=FALSE)
fit1$a; fit1$b

## ...and compare with a fit with constraints
fit2 <- dep2fit(ts=ar, u.mar = 0.95, u.dep=0.98, conditions=TRUE)
fit2$a; fit2$b# should be similar, as true parameters lie well within the constraints

[Package tsxtreme version 0.3.3 Index]