A Time Series Toolbox for Official Statistics

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Documentation for package ‘tstools’ version 0.4.3

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.read_swissdata_meta_unknown_format Read Meta Data File w/o File Extension
CHGDP CH GDP Growth Contributions
color_blind Provide Colorblind Compliant Colors
computeDecimalTime Deprecated function(s) in tstools
compute_decimal_time Compute Decimal Time from a ts Period Vector
concatTs Deprecated function(s) in tstools
concat_ts Concatenate to Non-Overlapping Time Series
create_cross_sec_overview Create an Overview data.table of (last) observations
create_dummy_ts Flexible Function to Create Time Series Dummy Variables
df_to_reg_ts Turn data.frame to Regular Monthly or Quarterly Time Series
fillupYearWitnNAs Deprecated function(s) in tstools
fill_year_with_nas Fill Up a Time Series with NAs
generate_random_ts Generate a list of random time series
getCiLegendColors Helper to calculate ci colors for legends
get_date_vector Compute the Period Vector representation of a Decimal Time value
importTimeSeries Deprecated function(s) in tstools
initDefaultTheme Deprecated function(s) in tstools
init_tsplot_print_theme Initiate Default Theme
init_tsplot_theme Initiate Default Theme
KOF KOF Barometer - Swiss Business Cycle Indicator
long_to_ts Transform a long format data.frame of time series to a tslist
m_to_q Turn monthly series with regular NAs to quarter
overlapSortedLists Deprecated function(s) in tstools
overlapTslByName Deprecated function(s) in tstools
overlap_sorted_ts_lists Concat Time Series list wise
overlap_ts_lists_by_name Resolve Overlap Listwise, helpful with SA
read_swissdata Read data generated by the Swissdata project
read_swissdata_meta Read swissdata style yaml timeseries metadata
read_ts Import time series data from a file.
regularize Turn an Irregular Time Series to a Regular, ts-Based Series
resolveOverlap Deprecated function(s) in tstools
resolve_ts_overlap Concatenate Time Series and Resolve Overlap Automatically
set_month_to_NA Set Periods to NA
start_ts_after_internal_nas Start a Time Series after the Last Internal NA
stripLeadingNAsFromTs Deprecated function(s) in tstools
stripTrailingNAsFromTs Deprecated function(s) in tstools
strip_ts_of_leading_nas Strip Leading / Trailing NAs from a Time Series Object
strip_ts_of_trailing_nas Strip Leading / Trailing NAs from a Time Series Object
tsplot Plot Time Series
tsqm Interpolate quarterly time series into monthly
tstools-deprecated Deprecated function(s) in tstools
wide_to_ts Transform a wide format data.frame into a tslist
writeTimeSeries Deprecated function(s) in tstools
write_ts Export a list of time series to a file.