Instance Feature Calculation and Evolutionary Instance Generation for the Traveling Salesman Problem

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Documentation for package ‘tspmeta’ version 1.2

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as_TSP Convert to TSP instance object of package TSP.
autoplot.tsp_instance Plot TSP instance.
center_of_mass Return the center of all cities of a TSP instance.
fast_two_opt Runs 2-Opt local search on TSP instance.
features Calculates list of all TSP features for an instance.
feature_angle Angle features.
feature_bounding_box Bounding box features.
feature_centroid Centroid features.
feature_chull Convex hull features.
feature_cluster Cluster features.
feature_distance Distance features.
feature_modes Modes of edge cost distribution feature.
feature_mst MST features.
feature_nnds Nearest neighbor features.
get_solvers Returns integrated solver names.
greedy_point_matching Greedy point matching
instance_dim Get instance dimensionality (space where coords live).
morph_instances Morphing (convex-combination) of two instances with parameter alpha.
normalization_angle Calculate rotation angle such that the main axis through the cities is aligned with the X axis.
normalize_rotation Normalize an instance w.r.t. its rotation.
number_of_cities Get number of cities in tsp instance.
numvec_feature_statistics Computes statistics from a vector of of values.
print.tsp_instance Print TSP instance
random_instance Generates a random TSP instance by scattering random points in a hypercube.
read_tsplib_instance Read in a TSPLIB style Traveling Salesman Problem from a file.
read_tsplib_instances Read in multiple TSPLIB style Traveling Salesman Problems from a directory.
read_tsplib_tour Read in a TSPLIB style Traveling Salesman Problem tour from a file
remove_zero_distances Remove any duplicate cities in a tsp instance.
rescale_coords Rescale coords of TSP instance to [0,1]^2.
rescale_instance Rescale coords of TSP instance to [0,1]^2.
rotate_coordinates Rotate a matrix of 2D coordinates
rotate_instance Rotate the cities of a TSP instance around a point.
run_solver Runs a solver on a TSP instance.
tsp_generation_ea TSP generating EA.
tsp_instance Generates a TSP instance S3 object either from city coordinates.