Tools for Temporal Social Network Analysis

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Documentation for package ‘tsna’ version 0.3.5

Help Pages Create a network object from a 'tPath' object - the results of a path search
duration Compute Observed Activity Durations or Event Counts for Edges or Vertices
edgeDuration Compute Observed Activity Durations or Event Counts for Edges or Vertices
forward.reachable Find the set of vertices reachable from a given set using only paths moving forward in time
is.tPath Temporally Reachable Paths in a networkDynamic Object
moodyContactSim Jim Moody's example dynamic contact simulation network
paths Temporally Reachable Paths in a networkDynamic Object
plot.tPath Network Plots a Highlighting Temporal Path(s) .
plotPaths Network Plots a Highlighting Temporal Path(s) .
pShiftCount Compute Counts of Gibson's Participation Shifts
tDegree Report momentary degree of a networkDynamic object at multiple timepoints
tEdgeDensity Functions to compute temporal density-related measures on dynamic networks
tEdgeDissolution Counts or fractions of edge transitions in a networkDynamic object
tEdgeFormation Counts or fractions of edge transitions in a networkDynamic object
temporalPath Temporally Reachable Paths in a networkDynamic Object
tErgmStats Calculate network summary statistics at multiple time points
tiedDuration Compute the duration of time (or count of events) that each vertex is tied/connected to others by an edge
timeProjectedNetwork Construct a time-projected ("multi-slice") network by binning a networkDynamic object
tPath Temporally Reachable Paths in a networkDynamic Object
tReach computes sizes of temporally reachable sets in a dynamicNetwork
tsna Tools for Temporal Social Network Analysis
tSnaStats Apply the sna package's static graph- and vertex-level network descriptive statistics at multiple time points
vertexDuration Compute Observed Activity Durations or Event Counts for Edges or Vertices