runtsir {tsiR} | R Documentation |
This function runs the TSIR model.
xreg = "cumcases",
IP = 2,
nsim = 10,
regtype = "gaussian",
sigmamax = 3,
userYhat = numeric(),
alpha = NULL,
sbar = NULL,
family = "gaussian",
link = "identity",
method = "deterministic", = FALSE,
epidemics = "cont",
pred = "forward",
threshold = 1,
seasonality = "standard", = 0, = 0,
printon = F,
fit = NULL,
fittype = NULL
data |
The data frame containing cases and interpolated births and populations. |
xreg |
The x-axis for the regression. Options are 'cumcases' and 'cumbirths'. Defaults to 'cumcases'. |
IP |
The infectious period in weeks. Defaults to 2 weeks. |
nsim |
The number of simulations to do. Defaults to 100. |
regtype |
The type of regression used in susceptible reconstruction. Options are 'gaussian', 'lm' (linear model), 'spline' (smooth.spline with 2.5 degrees freedom), 'lowess' (with f = 2/3, iter = 1), 'loess' (degree 1), and 'user' which is just a user inputed vector. Defaults to 'gaussian' and if that fails then defaults to loess. |
sigmamax |
The inverse kernal width for the gaussian regression. Default is 3. Smaller, stochastic outbreaks tend to need a lower sigma. |
userYhat |
The inputed regression vector if regtype='user'. Defaults to NULL. |
alpha |
The mixing parameter. Defaults to NULL, i.e. the function estimates alpha. |
sbar |
The mean number of susceptibles. Defaults to NULL, i.e. the function estimates sbar. |
family |
The family in the GLM regression. One can use any of the GLM ones, but the options are essentially 'poisson' (with link='log'), 'gaussian' (with link='log' or 'identity'), or 'quasipoisson' (with link='log'). Default is 'gaussian'. |
link |
The link function used with the glm family. Options are link='log' or 'identity'. Default is 'identity'. |
method |
The type of next step prediction used. Options are 'negbin' for negative binomial, 'pois' for poisson distribution, and 'deterministic'. Defaults to 'deterministic'. | |
Whether or not to fit initial conditions using simple least squares as well. Defaults to FALSE. This parameter is more necessary in more chaotic locations. |
epidemics |
The type of data splitting. Options are 'cont' which doesn't split the data up at all, and 'break' which breaks the epidemics up if there are a lot of zeros. Defaults to 'cont'. |
pred |
The type of prediction used. Options are 'forward' and 'step-ahead'. Defaults to 'forward'. |
threshold |
The cut off for a new epidemic if epidemics = 'break'. Defaults to 1. |
seasonality |
The type of contact to use. Options are standard for 52/IP point contact or schoolterm for just a two point on off contact, or none for a single contact parameter. Defaults to standard. | |
The sd for additive noise, defaults to zero. | |
The sd for multiplicative noise, defaults to zero. |
printon |
Whether to show diagnostic prints or not, defaults to FALSE. |
fit |
Now removed but gives a warning. |
fittype |
Now removed but gives a warning. |
London <- twentymeas[["London"]]
## Not run:
res <- runtsir(data=London,method='pois',nsim=10, IP=2,
## End(Not run)