scoring {tscount}R Documentation

Predictive Model Assessment with Proper Scoring Rules


Computes scores for the assessment of sharpness of a fitted model for time series of counts.


## S3 method for class 'tsglm'
scoring(object, individual=FALSE, cutoff=1000, ...)
## Default S3 method:
scoring(response, pred, distr=c("poisson", "nbinom"), distrcoefs,
          individual=FALSE, cutoff=1000, ...)



an object of class "tsglm".


logical. If FALSE (the default) the average scores are returned. Otherwise a matrix with the individual scores for each observation is returned.


positive integer. Summation over the infinite sample space {0,1,2,...} of a distribution is cut off at this value. This affects the quadratic, spherical and ranked probability score.


integer vector. Vector of observed values Y1,...,YnY_1,...,Y_n.


numeric vector. Vector of predicted values μP1,...,μPn\mu_{P_1},...,\mu_{P_n}.


character giving the conditional distribution. Currently implemented are the Poisson ("poisson")and the Negative Binomial ("nbinom") distribution.


numeric vector of additional coefficients specifying the conditional distribution. For distr="poisson" no additional parameters need to be provided. For distr="nbinom" the additional parameter size needs to be specified (e.g. by distrcoefs=2), see tsglm for details.


further arguments are currently ignored. Only for compatibility with generic function.


The scoring rules are penalties that should be minimised for a better forecast, so a smaller scoring value means better sharpness. Different competing forecast models can be ranked via these scoring rules. They are computed as follows: For each score ss and time tt the value s(Pt,Yt)s(P_{t},Y_{t}) is computed, where PtP_t is the predictive c.d.f. and YtY_t is the observation at time tt. To obtain the overall score for one model the average of the score of all observations (1/n)t=1ns(Pt,Yt)(1/n) \sum_{t=1}^{n}s(P_{t},Y_{t}) is calculated.

For all t1t \geq 1, let py=P(Yt=yFt1)p_{y} = P(Y_{t}=y | {\cal{F}}_{t-1} ) be the density function of the predictive distribution at yy and p2=y=0py2||p||^2=\sum_{y=0}^{\infty} p_y^2 be a quadratic sum over the whole sample space y=0,1,2,...y=0,1,2,... of the predictive distribution. μPt\mu_{P_t} and σPt\sigma_{P_t} are the mean and the standard deviation of the predictive distribution, respectively.

Then the scores are defined as follows:

Logarithmic score: logs(Pt,Yt)=logpylogs(P_{t},Y_{t})= -log p_{y}

Quadratic or Brier score: qs(Pt,Yt)=2py+p2qs(P_{t},Y_{t}) = -2p_{y} + ||p||^2

Spherical score: sphs(Pt,Yt)=pypsphs(P_{t},Y_{t})=\frac{-p_{y}}{||p||}

Ranked probability score: rps(Pt,Yt)=x=0(Pt(x)1(Ytx))2rps(P_{t},Y_{t})=\sum_{x=0}^{\infty}(P_{t}(x) - 1(Y_t\leq x))^2 (sum over the whole sample space x=0,1,2,...x=0,1,2,...)

Dawid-Sebastiani score: dss(Pt,Yt)=(YtμPtσPt)2+2logσPtdss(P_{t},Y_{t})=\left(\frac{Y_t-\mu_{P_t}}{\sigma_{P_t}}\right)^2 + 2log\sigma_{P_t}

Normalized squared error score: nses(Pt,Yt)=(YtμPtσPt)2nses(P_{t},Y_{t})=\left(\frac{Y_t-\mu_{P_t}}{\sigma_{P_t}}\right)^2

Squared error score: ses(Pt,Yt)=(YtμPt)2ses(P_{t},Y_{t})=(Y_t-\mu_{P_t})^2

For more information on scoring rules see the references listed below.


Returns a named vector of the mean scores (if argument individual=FALSE, the default) or a data frame of the individual scores for each observation (if argument individual=TRUE). The scoring rules are named as follows:


Logarithmic score


Quadratic or Brier score


Spherical score


Ranked probability score


Dawid-Sebastiani score


Normalized squared error score


Squared error score


Philipp Probst and Tobias Liboschik


Christou, V. and Fokianos, K. (2013) On count time series prediction. Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation (published online),

Czado, C., Gneiting, T. and Held, L. (2009) Predictive model assessment for count data. Biometrics 65, 1254–1261,

Gneiting, T., Balabdaoui, F. and Raftery, A.E. (2007) Probabilistic forecasts, calibration and sharpness. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B (Statistical Methodology) 69, 243–268,

See Also

tsglm for fitting a GLM for time series of counts.

pit and marcal for other predictive model assessment tools.

permutationTest in package surveillance for the Monte Carlo permutation test for paired individual scores by Paul and Held (2011, Statistics in Medicine 30, 1118–1136,


###Campylobacter infections in Canada (see help("campy"))
campyfit <- tsglm(ts=campy, model=list(past_obs=1, past_mean=c(7,13)))

[Package tscount version 1.4.3 Index]