Create Trusted Timestamps of Datasets and Files

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Documentation for package ‘trustedtimestamping’ version 0.2.6

Help Pages

convert_stellarHash Convert hash on STELLAR network (base64 encoded) to standard hexadecimal value
create_hashFile Create sha256 hash of a file
create_hashObject Create sha256 hash of an object/dataset
create_ttsFile Create trusted timestamp of a file
create_ttsObject Create trusted timestamp of an object/dataset
get_hash Retrieve hash from STELLAR network
get_timestamp Retrieve timestamp from STELLAR network
get_url_blockchaintransaction Get url of the transaction on STELLAR network ( (non-json))
validate_hashFile Validate hash of a file (created on the fly) with hash on STELLAR network p.s. stellar transactions take between 5-7 seconds. If you validate to soon after creating a timestamp, it will fail...
validate_hashObject Validate hash of an object/dataset (created on the fly) with hash on STELLAR network p.s. stellar transactions take between 5-7 seconds. If you validate to soon after creating a timestamp, it will fail...