Pseudo-Vectors Containing All Permutations, Combinations and Subsets of Objects Taken from a Vector.

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Documentation for package ‘trotter’ version 0.6

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amalgam Amalgams Pseudo-Vector Constructor
amalgams Amalgams Pseudo-Vector Constructor
apv Amalgams Pseudo-Vector Constructor
combination Combinations Pseudo-Vector Constructor
combinations Combinations Pseudo-Vector Constructor
cpv Combinations Pseudo-Vector Constructor
length-method Amalgams Pseudo-Vector Length
length-method Combinations Pseudo-Vector Length
length-method Permutations Pseudo-Vector Length
length-method Selections Pseudo-Vector Length
length-method Subsets Pseudo-Vector Length
permutation Permutations Pseudo-Vector Constructor
permutations Permutations Pseudo-Vector Constructor
ppv Permutations Pseudo-Vector Constructor
selection Selections Pseudo-Vector Constructor
selections Selections Pseudo-Vector Constructor
spv Selections Pseudo-Vector Constructor
sspv Subsets Pseudo-Vector Constructor
subsets Subsets Pseudo-Vector Constructor
[-method Retrieve an Amalgam by Index
[-method Retrieve a Combination by Index
[-method Retrieve a Permutation by Index
[-method Retrieve a Selection by Index
[-method Retrieve a Subset by Index