triversity-package |
Compute diversity measures on tripartite graphs. |
get_conditional_diversity_from_transition |
Compute the conditional diversity of a transition matrix. |
get_distribution_from_path |
Compute the probability distribution associated to a random walk following a path between the levels of a tripartite graph. |
get_diversity_from_distribution |
Compute the diversity of a probability distribution. |
get_diversity_from_path |
Compute the diversity associated to a random walk following a path between the levels of a tripartite graph. |
get_transition_from_path |
Compute the transition matrix of a random walk following a path between the levels of a tripartite graph. |
get_tripartite |
Build a properly-structured tripartite graph from raw data. |
tripartite_example |
An example of dataframe encoding a small tripartite graph. |
triversity |
Compute diversity measures on tripartite graphs. |