aberrantscores |
Convert outcome to aberrant ranks |
aberrantscoreslong |
Convert outcome to aberrant ranks |
boxplot_diffs |
Boxplots of pairwise differences in triples match |
boxplot_matches |
Series of boxplots for a given variable characterizing the triples match |
cut_quant |
Create strata based on quantiles of a score |
dist_mahal |
Make Mahalanobis distance matrix |
formattrip |
Formats the triples match for input to other functions |
infsentrip |
Sensitivity analysis for triples matches informed by tests for unmeasured bias |
make_bal_tab |
Make covariate balance table |
sentrip |
Sensitivity analysis for a triples match in an observational study |
triples |
Create a triples match |
triplesIP |
Integer program for finding optimal triples match |
triples_st |
Create a triples match for a single stratum |