Match Triples Consisting of Two Controls and a Treated Unit or Vice Versa

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Documentation for package ‘triplesmatch’ version 1.0.0

Help Pages

aberrantscores Convert outcome to aberrant ranks
aberrantscoreslong Convert outcome to aberrant ranks
boxplot_diffs Boxplots of pairwise differences in triples match
boxplot_matches Series of boxplots for a given variable characterizing the triples match
cut_quant Create strata based on quantiles of a score
dist_mahal Make Mahalanobis distance matrix
formattrip Formats the triples match for input to other functions
infsentrip Sensitivity analysis for triples matches informed by tests for unmeasured bias
make_bal_tab Make covariate balance
sentrip Sensitivity analysis for a triples match in an observational study
triples Create a triples match
triplesIP Integer program for finding optimal triples match
triples_st Create a triples match for a single stratum