Statistical Tests for Assessing Trinormal ROC Data

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Documentation for package ‘trinROC’ version 0.6

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trinROC-package trinROC: Statistical Tests for Assessing Trinormal ROC Data
boot.test Bootstrap test for three-class ROC data
boxcoxROC Box-Cox transformation on three-class ROC data
cancer Synthetic data set to investigate three-class ROC data.
emp.vus Empirical VUS calculation
findmu Determine equidistant means of trinormal ROC data simulation
krebs Synthetic small data set to investigate three-class ROC data.
roc.eda Exploratory data analysis for a three-class ROC marker
roc3.test Statistical test function for computing multiple tests on three-class ROC data
rocsurf.emp Empirical ROC surface plot
rocsurf.trin Trinormal ROC surface plot
trinROC trinROC: Statistical Tests for Assessing Trinormal ROC Data
trinROC.test Trinormal based ROC test
trinVUS.test Trinormal VUS test