absoluteRT {trimr} | R Documentation |
Absolute RT trimming
takes a data frame of RT data and returns trimmed rt data
that fall between set minimum and maximum limits.
pptVar = "participant",
condVar = "condition",
rtVar = "rt",
accVar = "accuracy",
omitErrors = TRUE,
returnType = "mean",
digits = 3
data |
A data frame with columns containing: participant identification number ('pptVar'); condition identification, if applicable ('condVar'); response time data ('rtVar'); and accuracy ('accVar'). The RT can be in seconds (e.g., 0.654) or milliseconds (e.g., 654). Typically, "condition" will consist of strings. Accuracy must be coded as 1 for correct and 0 for error responses. |
minRT |
The lower criteria for acceptable response time. Must be in the same form as rt column in data frame (e.g., in seconds OR milliseconds). |
maxRT |
The upper criteria for acceptable response time. Must be in the same form as rt column in data frame (e.g., in seconds OR milliseconds). |
pptVar |
The quoted name of the column in the data that identifies participants. |
condVar |
The quoted name of the column in the data that includes the conditions. |
rtVar |
The quoted name of the column in the data containing reaction times. |
accVar |
The quoted name of the column in the data containing accuracy, coded as 0 or 1 for incorrect and correct trial, respectively. |
omitErrors |
If set to TRUE, error trials will be removed before conducting trimming procedure. Final data returned will not be influenced by errors in this case. |
returnType |
Request nature of returned data. "raw" returns trial- level data excluding trimmed data; "mean" returns mean response times per participant for each experimental condition identified; "median" returns median response times per participant for each experimental condition identified. |
digits |
How many decimal places to round to after trimming? |
By passing a data frame containing raw response time data, together with trimming criteria, the function will return trimmed data, either in the form of trial-level data or in the form of means/medians for each subject & condition.
# load the example data that ships with trimr
# perform the trimming, returning mean RT
trimmedData <- absoluteRT(data = exampleData, minRT = 150, maxRT = 2500,
returnType = "mean")