Distribution Functions and Parameter Estimates for the Triangle Distribution

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Documentation for package ‘triangle’ version 1.0

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AIC.triangle_mle Utility Methods for S3 class triangle_mle
BIC.triangle_mle Utility Methods for S3 class triangle_mle
coef.triangle_mle Utility Methods for S3 class triangle_mle
compare_triangle_fit Compare multiple triangle distributions fits
confint.triangle_mle Utility Methods for S3 class triangle_mle
dltriangle The Log-Triangle Distribution
dtriangle The Triangle Distribution
logLik.triangle_mle Utility Methods for S3 class triangle_mle
ltriangle The Log-Triangle Distribution
pltriangle The Log-Triangle Distribution
print.triangle_mle Utility Methods for S3 class triangle_mle
profile.triangle_mle Utility Methods for S3 class triangle_mle
ptriangle The Triangle Distribution
qltriangle The Log-Triangle Distribution
qqtriangle Quantile-Quantile Plot for Triangle Distributed Data
qtriangle The Triangle Distribution
rltriangle The Log-Triangle Distribution
rtriangle The Triangle Distribution
standard_triangle_mle Maximum likelihood estimate of the standard triangle distribution mode
summary.triangle_mle Utility Methods for S3 class triangle_mle
triangle The Triangle Distribution
triangle_cdfe Triangle parameter estimates using a non-linear fit of the empirical CDF
triangle_mle Maximum likelihood estimate of the triangle distribution parameters
triangle_mom Triangle distribution method of moments estimate
vcov.triangle_mle Utility Methods for S3 class triangle_mle