Computation of Tree (Im)Balance Indices

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Documentation for package ‘treebalance’ version 1.2.0

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areaPerPairI Calculation of the area per pair index for rooted trees
auxE_l_X Auxiliary functions
avgLeafDepI Calculation of the average leaf depth index for rooted trees
avgVertDep Calculation of the average vertex depth for rooted trees
B1I Calculation of the B1 index for rooted trees
B2I Calculation of the B2 index for rooted trees
cherryI Calculation of the cherry index for rooted trees
collessI Calculation of the Colless index for rooted binary trees
collesslikeI Calculation of the Colless-like indices for rooted trees
colPlaLab Calculation of the Colijn-Plazzotta rank for rooted binary trees
colPlaLab_inv Generation of the rooted binary tree corresponding to a given Colijn-Plazzotta rank
cPL_inv Auxiliary functions
ewCollessI Calculation of the equal weights Colless index for rooted binary trees
furnasI Calculation of the Furnas rank for rooted binary trees
furnasI_inv Calculation of rooted binary tree for tuple (rank, leaf number)
get.subtreesize Auxiliary functions
getAllAncestors Auxiliary functions
getAncVec Auxiliary functions
getDescMatrix Auxiliary functions
getfurranks Auxiliary functions
getlca Auxiliary functions
getNodesOfDepth Auxiliary functions
getsubtree Auxiliary functions
IbasedI Calculation of the I-based indices for rooted trees
is_binary Auxiliary functions
is_phylo Auxiliary functions
maxDelW Calculation of the (modified) maximum difference in widths for a rooted tree
maxDepth Calculation of the maximum depth of the tree
maxDepthLeaf Auxiliary functions
maxWidth Calculation of the maximum width of the tree
mCherryI Calculation of the modified cherry index for rooted binary trees
mWovermD Calculation of the maximum width over maximum depth of the tree
rogersI Calculation of the Rogers J index for rooted binary trees
rQuartetI Calculation of the rooted quartet index for rooted trees
sackinI Calculation of the Sackin index for rooted trees
sShapeI Calculation of the s-shape statistic for rooted trees
stairs1 Calculation of the stairs1 value for rooted binary trees
stairs2 Calculation of the stairs2 value for rooted binary trees
symBucketLexicoSort Auxiliary functions
symNodesI Calculation of the symmetry nodes index for rooted binary trees
totCophI Calculation of the total cophenetic index for rooted trees
totIntPathLen Calculation of the total internal path length for rooted trees
totPathLen Calculation of the total path length for rooted trees
treenumber Auxiliary functions
treenumber_inv Auxiliary functions
tree_decomposition Auxiliary functions
tree_merge Auxiliary functions
varLeafDepI Calculation of the variance of leaf depths index for rooted trees
wedEth Wedderburn Etherington numbers (from OEIS)
weighL1dist Calculation of weighted l1 distance index for rooted binary trees
we_eth Auxiliary functions