addImbalPhylo3D |
Plot a phylo3D object |
addPhylo3D |
Plot a phylo3D object |
all3DImbalIndices |
Calculation of integral-based distance- and angle-based 3D imbalance indices |
alpha_Index |
Calculation of integral-based distance- and angle-based 3D imbalance indices |
angle3dVec |
Calculation of the centroid angles |
A_Index |
Calculation of integral-based distance- and angle-based 3D imbalance indices |
combined3DIndex |
Calculation of combined 3D imbalance indices |
cross3d_prod |
Calculation of the centroid distances |
dist3dToLine |
Calculation of the centroid distances |
example3Dtrees |
Examples of rooted 3D trees |
extendPhylo |
Useful extensions to the phylo format |
getAncs |
Useful extensions to the phylo format |
getChildren |
Useful extensions to the phylo format |
getDescendants |
Useful extensions to the phylo format |
getDescs |
Useful extensions to the phylo format |
getDistFromLeaf |
Useful extensions to the phylo format |
getDistFromRoot |
Useful extensions to the phylo format |
getIncEdgeLens |
Useful extensions to the phylo format |
getIncEdgeWeights |
Useful extensions to the phylo format |
getLeaves |
Useful extensions to the phylo format |
getNodeDepths |
Useful extensions to the phylo format |
getNodesAtDepth |
Useful extensions to the phylo format |
getSubtrCentr |
Useful extensions to the phylo format |
imbalInt_e |
Calculation of integral-based distance- and angle-based 3D imbalance indices |
imbalProfile |
Calculation of 3D imbalance profiles |
imbalProfile_e |
Calculation of integral-based distance- and angle-based 3D imbalance indices |
imbalSubdiv_A |
Calculation of the centroid angles |
imbalSubdiv_alpha |
Calculation of the centroid angles |
imbalSubdiv_M |
Calculation of the centroid distances |
imbalSubdiv_mu |
Calculation of the centroid distances |
makePhylo3DBalanced |
Turn a rooted 3D tree into one of its balanced versions |
mu_Index |
Calculation of integral-based distance- and angle-based 3D imbalance indices |
M_Index |
Calculation of integral-based distance- and angle-based 3D imbalance indices |
plotImbalPhylo3D |
Plot a phylo3D object |
plotPhylo3D |
Plot a phylo3D object |
rotate3dVec |
Turn a rooted 3D tree into one of its balanced versions |