treeDA-package |
Tree-based discriminant analysis |
coef.treeda |
Coefficients from treeda fit |
combine_plot_and_tree |
Method for combining two ggplots |
get_leaf_position |
Get leaf positions from a tree layout |
makeNodeAndLeafPredictors |
Make a matrix with predictors for each leaf and node |
nodeToLeafCoefficients |
Node coefficients to leaf coefficients |
plot.treedacv |
Plot a treedacv object |
plot_coefficients |
Plot the discriminating axes from treeda |
predict.treeda |
Predict using new data |
print.treeda |
Print a treeda object |
print.treedacv |
Print treedacv objects |
treeDA |
Tree-based discriminant analysis |
treeda |
Tree-based sparse discriminant analysis |
treedacv |
treeda cross validation |
treeda_example |
Example dataset |