unbalanced {transport}R Documentation

Unbalanced Optimal Transport Between Two Objects


Compute optimal transport between unnormalized images / mass distributions on grids (pgrid objects) or between mass distributions on general point patterns (wpp objects) under the option that mass can be dispose of. Transport cost per unit is the Euclidean distance of the transport to the p-th power. Disposal cost per unit is C^p.


unbalanced(a, b, ...)

## S3 method for class 'pgrid'
  p = 1,
  C = NULL,
  method = c("networkflow", "revsimplex"),
  output = c("dist", "all", "rawres"),
  threads = 1,

## S3 method for class 'wpp'
  p = 1,
  C = NULL,
  method = c("networkflow", "revsimplex"),
  output = c("dist", "all", "rawres"),
  threads = 1,


a, b

objects of class pgrid or wpp that are compatible.


other arguments.


a power 1\geq 1 applied to the transport and disposal costs. The order of the resulting unbalanced Wasserstein metric.


The base disposal cost (without the power p)


one of "networkflow" and "revsimplex", specifing the algorithm used. See details.


character. One of "dist", "all" and "rawres". Determines what the function returns: only the unbalanced Wasserstein distance; all available information about the transport plan and the extra mass; or the raw result obtained by the networkflow algorithm. The latter is the same format as in the transport function with option fullreturn=TRUE. The choice output = "rawres" is mainly intended for internal use.


an integer specifying the number of threads for parallel computing in connection with the networkflow method.


Given two non-negative mass distributions a=(ax)xSa=(a_x)_{x \in S}, b=(ay)ySb=(a_y)_{y \in S} on a set SS (a pixel grid / image if a, b are of class pgrid or a more general weighted point pattern if a, b are of class wpp), this function minimizes the functional

x,ySπx,yd(x,y)p+Cp(xS(axπx(1))+yS(byπy(2)))\sum_{x,y \in S} \pi_{x,y} d(x,y)^p + C^p \bigl( \sum_{x \in S} (a_x - \pi^{(1)}_x) + \sum_{y \in S} (b_y - \pi^{(2)}_y) \bigr)

over all (πx,y)x,yS(\pi_{x,y})_{x,y \in S} satisfying

0πx(1):=ySπx,yax and 0πy(2):=xSπx,yby.0 \leq \pi^{(1)}_x := \sum_{y \in S} \pi_{x,y} \leq a_x \ \textrm{and} \ 0 \leq \pi^{(2)}_y := \sum_{x \in S} \pi_{x,y} \leq b_y.

Thus πx,y\pi_{x,y} denotes the amount of mass transported from xx to yy, whereas πx(1)\pi^{(1)}_x and πy(2)\pi^{(2)}_y are the total mass transported away from xx and total mass transported to yy, respectively. Accordingly xS(axπx(1))\sum_{x \in S} (a_x - \pi^{(1)}_x) and yS(byπy(2))\sum_{y \in S} (b_y - \pi^{(2)}_y) are the total amounts of mass of aa and bb, respectively, that need to be disposed of.

The minimal value of the functional above taken to the 1/p1/p is what we refer to as unbalanced (p,C)(p,C)-Wasserstein metric. This metric is used, in various variants, in an number of research papers. See Heinemann et al. (2022) and the references therein and Müller et al. (2022), Remark 3. We follow the convention of the latter paper regarding the parametrization and the use of the term unbalanced Wasserstein metric.

The practical difference between the two methods "networkflow" and "revsimplex" can roughly described as follows. The former is typically faster for large examples (for pgrid objects 64x64 and beyond), especially if several threads are used. The latter is typically faster for smaller examples (which may be relevant if pairwise transports between many objects are computed) and it guarantees a sparse(r) solution, i.e. at most m+n+1m+n+1 individual transports, where mm and nn are the numbers of non-zero masses in a and b, respectively). Note however that due to the implementation the revsimplex algorithm is a little less precise (roughly within 1e-7 tolerance). For more details on the algorithms see transport.


If output = "dist" a single numeric, the unbalanced (p,C)(p,C)-Wasserstein distance. Otherwise a list. If output = "all" the list is of class ut_pgrid or ut_wpp according to the class of the objects a and b. It has a, b, p, C as attributes and the following components:


same as for output = "dist".


an optimal transport plan. This is a data frame with columns from, to and mass that specifies from which element of a to which element of b what amount of mass is sent. from and to are specified as vector indices in terms of the usual column major enumeration of the matrices a$mass and b$mass. The plan can be plotted via plot.pgrid(a, b, plan).

atrans, btrans

matrices (pgrid) or vectors (wpp) specifying the masses transported from each point and to each point, respectively. Corresponds to (πx(1))xS(\pi^{(1)}_x)_{x \in S} and (πy(2))yS(\pi^{(2)}_y)_{y \in S} above.

aextra, bextra

matrices (pgrid) or vectors (wpp) specifying the amount of mass at each point of a and b, respectively, that cannot be transported and needs to be disposed of. Corresponds to (axπx(1))xS(a_x - \pi^{(1)}_x)_{x \in S} and (byπy(2))yS(b_y - \pi^{(2)}_y)_{y \in S}.


(pgrid only) a matrix specifying the amount of mass at each point that can stay in place. Corresponds to (πx,x)xS(\pi_{x,x})_{x \in S}.

Note that atrans + aextra + inplace (pgrid) or atrans + aextra (wpp)must be equal to a$mass and likewise for b. A warning occurs if this is not the case (which may indeed happen from time to time for method revsimplex, but the error reported should be very small).


Florian Heinemann, Marcel Klatt and Axel Munk (2022).
Kantorovich-Rubinstein distance and barycenter for finitely supported measures: Foundations and Algorithms.
Arxiv preprint.

Raoul Müller, Dominic Schuhmacher and Jorge Mateu (2020).
Metrics and barycenters for point pattern data Statistics and Computing 30, 953-972.

See Also

plot.ut_pgrid and plot.ut_wpp, which can plot the various components of the list obtained for output="all".


a <- pgrid(matrix(1:12, 3, 4))
b <- pgrid(matrix(c(9:4, 12:7), 3, 4))
res1 <- unbalanced(a, b, 1, 0.5, output="all")
res2 <- unbalanced(a, b, 1, 0.3, output="all")
plot(a, b, res1$plan, angle=20, rot=TRUE)
plot(a, b, res2$plan, angle=20, rot=TRUE)
matimage(res2$aextra, x = a$generator[[1]], y = a$generator[[2]])
matimage(res2$bextra, x = b$generator[[1]], y = b$generator[[2]])

a <- wpp(matrix(runif(8),4,2), 3:6)
b <- wpp(matrix(runif(10),5,2), 1:5)
res1 <- unbalanced(a, b, 1, 0.5, output="all")
res2 <- unbalanced(a, b, 1, 0.3, output="all")
plot(a, b, res1$plan)
plot(a, b, res2$plan)

[Package transport version 0.15-2 Index]