Transformation Models with Mixed Effects

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Documentation for package ‘tramME’ version 1.0.5

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anova.tramME Comparison of nested tramME models.
BoxCoxME Mixed-effects version of 'BoxCox'
coef.LmME Extract the coefficients of the fixed effects terms of an LmME model.
coef.SurvregME Extract the coefficients of the fixed effects terms of an SurvregME model.
coef.tramME Extract the coefficients of the fixed effects terms.
coef<-.tramME Set coefficients of a tramME model.
ColrME Mixed-effects version of 'Colr'
confint.LmME Confidence intervals for LmME model parameters
confint.tramME Confidence intervals for tramME model parameters
CoxphME Mixed-effects version of 'Coxph'
edf_smooth EDFs of smooth shift terms
edf_smooth.tramME EDFs of smooth shift terms
format.Resp Response objects Response objects
LehmannME Mixed-effects version of 'Lehmann'
length.Resp Response objects
LmME Mixed-effects version of 'Lm'
logLik.tramME Get the log-likelihood of the tramME model
model.frame.tramME Extract model frame from a tramME model
model.matrix.tramME Model matrices for 'tramME' models
optim_control Set up and control optimization parameters
plot.smooth.tramME Plot smooth terms of a tramME model.
plot.tramME Plotting method for tramME objects
PolrME Mixed-effects version of 'Polr'
predict.tramME Predict method for tramME objects
predict.tramTMB Post-estimation calculations in a tramTMB model
print.anova.tramME Printing 'anova.tramME' table
print.Resp Response objects
print.summary.tramME Print method for tramME model summary
print.tramME Print tramME model
print.VarCorr.tramME Print method for the variance-correlation parameters of a tramME object
R.Resp Response objects
ranef Point estimates and conditional variances of random effects.
ranef.LmME Extract the conditional modes of random effects of an LmME model
ranef.tramME Point estimates and conditional variances of random effects.
residuals.LmME Residuals of a LmME model
residuals.tramME Residuals of a tramME model
Resp Response objects
sigma.LmME Extract the SD of the error term of an LmME model.
simulate.tramME Simulate from a 'tramME' model
smooth_terms Extract and evaluate the smooth terms of a tramME model
smooth_terms.LmME Evaluate smooth terms of a 'LmME' model.
smooth_terms.tramME Extract and evaluate the smooth terms of a tramME model
summary.tramME Summary method for tramME model
SurvregME Mixed-effects version of 'Survreg'
tramME General function to define and fit 'tramME' models
tramTMB Create a tramTMB object
VarCorr Variances and correlation matrices of random effects
VarCorr.LmME Variances and correlation matrices of random effects of an LmME object
VarCorr.tramME Variances and correlation matrices of random effects
varcov Generic method for 'varcov'
varcov.LmME Extract the variance-covariance matrix of the random effects of an LmME model
varcov.tramME Extract the variance-covariance matrix of the random effects
varcov<- Generic method for '"varcov<-"'
varcov<-.tramME Set the values of the random effects covariance matrices of a tramME model.
variable.names.tramME Return variable names.
vcov.LmME Get the variance-covariance matrix of the parameters of an LmME model
vcov.tramME Calculate the variance-covariance matrix of the parameters
[.Resp Response objects