Marginal Structural Models with Latent Class Growth Analysis of Treatment Trajectories

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Documentation for package ‘trajmsm’ version 0.1.0

Help Pages

build_traj Wrapper for flexmix
gendata Generate data trajectories for MSM
gformula Counterfactual means via G-Formula
ggtraj ggplot Trajectory
inverse_probability_weighting Inverse Probability Weighting
pltmle Counterfactual means for a Pooled LTMLE
predict_traj Predict trajectory groups for deterministic treatment regimes
split_data Split observed data into multiple subsets
trajhrmsm_gform History Restricted MSM and Latent Class of Growth Analysis estimated with G-formula.
trajhrmsm_ipw History Restricted MSM and Latent Class of Growth Analysis estimated with IPW.
trajhrmsm_pltmle History Restricted MSM and Latent Class of Growth Analysis estimated with a Pooled LTMLE.
trajmsm_gform Parametric g-formula
trajmsm_ipw Marginal Structural Model and Latent Class of Growth Analysis estimated with IPW
trajmsm_pltmle Pooled LTMLE