agtpa_applications {tradepolicy} | R Documentation |
International Trade Data for Application Exercises in AGTPA
Contains bilateral trade flows for different pairs of countries between 1986 and 2006 and additional variables modelling.
A data frame with 99,981 rows and 17 columns:
- exporter
Exporter ISO country code
- importer
Importer ISO country code
- pair_id
Symmetric Pair ID
- year
- trade
Nominal trade flows in current US dollars
- dist
Population-weighted bilateral distance between country 'i' and 'j', in kilometers
- cntg
Indicator. Equal to 1 if country 'i' and 'j' share a common border
- lang
Indicator. Equal to 1 if country 'i' and 'j' speak the same official language
- clny
Indicator. Equal to 1 if country 'i' and 'j' share a colonial relationship
- rta
Indicator that is equal to one when country 'i' and 'j' are members of same Regional Trade Agreement
- rta_lag3
3rd lag of RTA
- rta_lag4
4th lag of RTA
- rta_lag6
6th lag of RTA
- rta_lag8
8th lag of RTA
- rta_lag9
9th lag of RTA
- rta_lag12
12th lag of RTA
- rta_lead4
4th lead of RTA
The data was drawn from the WDI for the year 2005 (earliest year available), the countries with no entry cost data are mainly small probably not in service trade data, and there are some considerations for the countries in this dataset:
KOR designates RKO since 1949
RUS designates SUN between 1949 and 1991
CZE designates CZS between 1949 and 1992
DEU designates FRG between 1949 and 1989
Germany unified (DEU) has data since 1991
AGTPA authors, adapted from The World Development Index made by The World Bank